Bathrooms are now gaily color conscious, so introduce a bright note with these handsome new colored edgings … either the flower-like pastels, or the bold, strong shades that are so much the vogue.
Guest Towels:
Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, sizes 10 to 30.
Bath Towels:
Clark's O.N.T. "Brilliant".
Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl
Cotton, size 5.
J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen.
Two-color edging—suggest White and Blue.
With White, ch 7, join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 1, 10 s c in ring. Join with sl st. 2nd rnd: Ch 7 (to count as tr and ch-3), * tr in next s c, ch 3. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-3 with sl st in 4th ch of ch-7 first made. 3rd rnd: In each sp make shells as follows: 1 s c, 1 half d c, 2 d c, 1 half d c, 1 s c. Join with sl st (10 shells). Break off. This completes one wheel. Make wheels to measure desired length. Sew wheels together at 2 center shells with over-and-over stitches on wrong side.
Heading. 1st row: Attach White to 4th shell from joining of end wheel. Ch 4 (to count as tr), * ch 3, d c in next shell, ch 3, s c in next shell, ch 3, d c in next shell, ch 3, tr at joining of 2 shells. Repeat from * across, ending row with tr in 4th shell from joining on last wheel. Ch 6, turn. 2nd row: * Skip 3 ch, d c in next d c, ch 3, skip 3 ch, d c in next s c, ch 3, skip 3 ch, d c in next d c, ch 3, skip 3 ch, d c in next tr, ch 3. Repeat from * across. Break off.
With Blue work a row of s c all around outer edges of wheels, picking up only the back loop of each st, and making a ch-3 p at tip of each shell. Break off.