Hot Plate Set Pattern #9014

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Hot Plate Set Pattern #9014

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5, 16 balls.

Large Mat. Make a cord 30 yds. long as follows: Wind thread into 16 balls of equal size, and tie ends together. Divide strands in two, and make a loop close to knot. Draw loop out about 1½ inches. Then, holding 8 strands in each hand, and loop on index finger of right hand, * insert index finger of left hand in front of loop, and draw the 8 strands of left hand through; remove index finger of right hand. Then, holding strands of left hand and loop on index finger firmly, pull strands of right hand tightly. Now insert index finger of right hand in front of loop and draw strands of right hand through; remove index finger of left hand and, holding strands of right hand and loop on index finger firmly, pull strands in left hand tightly. Repeat from * until cord measures 30 yds. Do not break off. Pick up end from which cord started, and measure off about 4 inches. Then sew remaining cord around this 4-inch length until mat measures about 10 inches long. Draw end through last loop of cord. Fasten and break off.

Medium Size Mat. Make a cord about 24 yds. long. Then work as for large mat, but measure off 3 inches (instead of 4 inches). Sew around this length until mat measures 9 inches long.

Small Mat. Make a cord about 24 yds. long. Work as for large mat, but measure off 2 inches (instead of 4 inches), and sew around this length until mat measures 8 inches long.