Gay Gadgets
Book 121
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1938
Between the covers of this book you will find a grand collection of light-hearted pick-up work! It isn't only the ability to crochet bedspreads and tablecloths that marks the devotee of the crochet hook … she finds lots of fun, too, in crocheting gay little gadgets with a ball or so of bright colored thread.
And what an opportunity for giving different looking gifts when anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmasses roll along! A bride-to-be will thrill over the sombrero glass holders … while the man of the house would take that nice looking Indian pillow right to his heart! But, best of all, the home- seeker who crochets can add charming touches to her own home, or find here brand new fashion ideas that will perk up her wardrobe.