Peasant Stripe Belt Pattern #2311

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Peasant Stripe Belt Pattern #2311

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5, 2 balls each of Green, Yellow, Blue, Red and White.

These directions are for size 28 belt. For other sizes, make longer or shorter braids, as desired.

Cut 18 strands of Green, each 3 yds. long. Tie a piece of thread around these strands, 16 inches in from one end. Then divide these strands into 3 sections (6 strands in each), and braid them very tightly together until braid measures 36 inches. Tie another thread around the end of this braid, and lay it aside. Make a similar braid with each of the remaining colors. Then sew them together in the following order: Green, Yellow, Blue, Red and White. Make 5 more braids as before, and sew to previous group of five braids. Remove all the threads which were tied to braids, and twist all of the strands into one large knot at each end. Trim ends evenly.