Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns

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These filet edgings and matching insertions are useful for many articles. Made of No. 100 Star Crochet Cotton, or "Silkine" crochet cotton, they make dainty trimming for handkerchiefs. Made of No. 50 or 60 cotton, they are lovely for bed and bath linens, and if a filet edge is desired for spreads, etc., Star Crochet Cord is a happy choice. Other suitable threads are Gem Mercerized Crochet Cotton in a suitable size; or for coarser work, use Gem or De Luxe Ready-Shrunk Cotton. In crocheting from these designs of filet edgings and insertions, a lovelier effect is obtained by working an open mesh of space on the outside of pattern. For instance, No. 1, at the upper left, ch 29, turn, 1 sp, 1 bl, 1 sp, 1 bl, 2 sps, 1 bl, 1 sp, turn.
2nd row: Ch 5, 1 sp, 1 bl, 1 sp, 1 bl, 2 sps, 1 bl, 1 sp. Continue to follow the working diagram. The threads suggested on the opposite page work out beautifully and come in lovely tones.

Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns
Edgings with Matching Insertions Patterns