GLASS MUFFS—put your glasses in them —like your hand in a muff, to absorb moisture from perspiring chilled glasses and stop dripping and rings on the cloth or bridge table. Varied uses will demand color combinations to suit the occasion.
At the bridge table, where iced drinks are being refilled and returned, each a different color permits ready identification.
At the luncheon table all may be in a single color to match the dishes—or if the dishes are those mixed sets of Pastel or Fiesta ware each muff a different color.
At more formal table settings, with a White cloth, plain White, either with or without color trim are suitable.
Suggestions are given for a set of Pastels or Fiesta color combinations in both designs. For Pastels use Lt. Blue, Lt. Green, Ivory and Tearose.
For Fiesta use Red, Blue, Med. Green and Gold with White.
PASTELS: Make a set with one or two of each in 4 colors to match pastel dishes.
FIESTA: Make all in White with ruffs in 4 fiesta shades.
BASE: Ch 8, sl st to form a ring, ch 1, 11 sc in ring, sl st in 1-ch.
ROW 2: Ch 1 for a sc, sc in same ch with sl st, 2 sc in back loop of each sc (24 sc). Sl st in first 1-ch.
ROW 3: Ch 1, sc in same ch with sl st (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next) repeat around (36 sc). Sl st in first 1-ch.
ROW 4: Ch 1, sc in same ch, (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) repeat around (48 sc). Sl st in first 1-ch.
SIDES: Ch 4, dc in back loop of next second sc, (ch 1, dc in next second sc) repeated around. Ch 1, sl st in third st of first 4-ch.
ROW 2: Sl st under next 1-ch, ch 4, dc in next 1-ch sp, (ch 1, dc in next 1-ch sp) repeated around, ch 1, sl st in third st of first 4-ch. Repeat this row 4 times. Fasten off.
ROW 6: Join color (suggestions below) to one 1-ch sp (ch 2, sl st under next 1-ch sp) repeated around. Fasten off.
"RUFFS": At base of Muff—A series of chains arranged around the base of the Muff, that have the appearance of a rope to hold it together.
Arrangement of colors: For "Pastels":
1st Muff—Ivory Base. Row 6, Green. Ruff—Green and Tearose.
2nd Muff—Green Base. Row 6, Ivory. Ruff—Ivory and Blue.
3rd Muff—Tearose Base. Row 6, Blue. Ruff—Blue and Ivory.
4th Muff—Blue Base. Row 6, Tearose. Ruff—Tearose and Green.
For "Fiesta"—Row 6 on each muff is to be done in a different color- ruffs to be in the same color, alternating with White.
ROW 1: Join first color to front loop in last row of sc on base, ch 5 and drop. Join second color to front loop of next second sc, ch 5 and drop in front of work. * Pick up first color, sc in front loop of next second sc (behind second color ch), ch 5 and drop in front. Repeat from * around. Be careful when each color is picked up in turn, to keep ch's straight, and untwisted. Join final first color loop with a sl st to base of original first color loop. Join final second color loop with a sl st to base of original second color loop (behind original first color loop). Fasten off ends.
Little Hen Pot Holder Pattern
Panties and Shorts Pot Holder Patterns
Emblems Pot Holder Patterns
Fan Pot Holder Pattern
Star Spangled Glass Jackets Pattern
Star Coasters Pattern
Roll Rim Coasters Pattern
Good Luck Coasters Pattern
Ruffled Glass Jackets Pattern
Poppy Pot Holder Pattern
Spring Blossoms Set Patterns
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Duck Pot Holder Pattern
Funny Faces Pot Holder Patterns
Lattice Pot Holder Pattern
Rick Rack Pot Holder Pattern
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Cross Stitch Oven Mitt Pattern
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Cross Stitched Cottage Pot Holder Pattern
Round in Puff Stitch Set Patterns
Puff Stitch Pot Holder Patterns
Tea Pot and Stand Pot Holder Patterns
Kitten Bib Pattern
Goblet Slippers Pattern
Mat Pattern
Drip Catchers Coasters Pattern
Posy Glass Muffs Pattern
Hearts Pot Holder Pattern
Diamonds Pot Holder Pattern
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Posy Pot Holder Pattern
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