A novel Hot Pot Holder to be crocheted of Enterprise Yarn. Firm, sturdy holders crocheted of this soft, fluffy yarn will give maximum protection from hottest pots and pans. They are most acceptable gifts and make fast selling bazaar items.
A pair of these cute cottages makes an attractive gift. The roof is red,—blue for the door, windows and flower boxes with posies in red, all on a white background. Any of the Pot Holder Racks shown will add to the finished appearance.
MATERIALS: A ball of White will more than make a pair (be enough for a rack, too)—for any of these red, white and blue holders. About 15 yards each of Red and Blue for trim. Colonial Cottages will also need a skein of green six strand cotton.
ROOF: With White, ch 26, sc in second st from hook, (ch 1, sc in next second st) 12 times.
ROW 2: Ch 1, turn, 2 sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next sc) repeated across, 1 more sc in end sc.
ROW 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next sc) repeated across. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 three times. Fasten off.
Join Red to starting st with 2 sc, (sc in 2 loops of next ch st) repeated across, with 2 sc in end st, sc in each row to next corner, 2 sc in corner: (4 hdc in next, sl st in next) 9 times, 4 hdc in next, 2 sc in corner sc, sc in each row to corner, sl st in first sc. Fasten off.
WALL: With White, ch 38, sc in second st from hook, (ch 1, sc in next second st) 18 times. Ch 1, turn, sc in last sc, (ch 1, sc in next sc) 18 times. Repeat this row 16 times (total of 18 rows), 2 more sc in end sc, sc in each row to corner, 3 sc in corner, (sc in 2 loops of next ch st) repeated across, 3 sc in corner, sc in each row to corner. Fasten off. Lap scallop edge of roof over top of wall and sew together.
DOOR: With single strand of Blue threaded to a sharp needle, embroider row of chain stitches outlining door, 1¼" wide and 2⅝" high. Make French knot for door handle.
WICKET: With Blue, ch 2, 7 sc in starting st, sl st in first sc and fasten off. Sew to center of top half of door.
WINDOWS—FLOWER BOX: With Blue, ch 12, skip last 4 sts, dc in 8 sts. Fasten off. Sew on wall midway from door to one end, 1" up from bottom edge. Embroider window frame with Blue chain sts from corner of box, up even with top of door, across and down to opposite corner. Repeat on other side. Following illustration and using single strand of Red embroider flowers in each window box, making some of French knots and others of Lazy Daisy sts. Make stems and Lazy Daisy st leaves of 6 strands of Green floss. Work long Lazy Daisy st across base of wall in Green for plants.
Steam and press on back, and line with muslin.
Cottages Pot Holder Pattern
Posy Pot Holder Pattern
Ear of Corn Pot Holder Pattern
Trailing Vine Chair Seat Cover Pattern
Needlepoint Crochet Seat Cover Pattern
Grecian Block Seat Cover Pattern
Alphabet Nursery Rug Pattern
Bag for Shopping or Knitting Pattern
Crocheted Handbag 1 Pattern
Basket Weave Rug Pattern
Pants Pot Holder Pattern
Crocheted Handbag 2 Pattern
Dutch Cap Pattern
Humpty Dumpty Doll Pattern
Duck Toy Pattern
Jumbo Elephant Toy Pattern
Bunny Toy Pattern
Scottie Dog Toy Pattern
Star Rug Pattern
Fern Leaf Place Mat Pattern
Toilet Seat Cover Pattern
Blossom Time Rug Pattern
Rug & Toilet Seat Cover Pattern
Crocheted Soakers Pattern
Bunny Baby Bib Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Pirate Boots Pattern
Sandals Pattern
Scuffs Pattern
Casuals Pattern
Jaunty Junior Boots Pattern
Military Boots Pattern
Rug & Hot Pot Holder in Rick Rack