40 Hot Pot Holders and Other Gadgets | Book No. 9307 | The Thread Mills

40 Hot Pot Holders and Other Gadgets | No. 9307 | The Thread Mills

40 Hot Pot Holders and Other Gadgets
Book 9307
The Thread Mills Inc
No Original Copyright (c. 1944)

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Patterns Included: 
Little Hen Pot Holder, Panties and Shorts Pot Holder, Emblems Pot Holder, Fan Pot Holder, Star Spangled Glass Jackets, Star Coasters, Roll Rim Coasters, Good Luck Coasters, Ruffled Glass Jackets, Poppy Pot Holder, Spring Blossoms Set, Morning, Noon 'N Nite Pot Holder, Duck Pot Holder, Funny Faces Pot Holder, Lattice Pot Holder, Rick Rack Pot Holder, Cats and Dogs Pot Holder, Flowers Pot Holder, Jackets for Glasses, Jugs on a Rack Pot Holder, Fish Pot Holder, Pin Wheels in a Basket Pot Holder, Acorn Oven Mitt, Paddle Oven Mitt, Cross Stitch Oven Mitt, Crocheted Cottage Pot Holder, Cross Stitched Cottage Pot Holder, Round in Puff Stitch Set, Puff Stitch Pot Holder, Tea Pot and Stand Pot Holder, Kitten Bib, Goblet Slippers, Mat, Drip Catchers Coasters, Posy Glass Muffs, Hearts Pot Holder, Diamonds Pot Holder, Cross Stitched Squares Pot Holder, Sugar 'N Cream Pot Holder, Colonial Cottage Pot Holder, Posy Pot Holder, Humpty Dumpty Set, Scottie Dog Set.

40 Fun & Functional Pot Holders: A 1944 Vintage Collection of Kitchen Gadgets!

When Enterprise Yarn was introduced in the Sugar 'n Cream Kits for Hot Pot Holders, we could not guess that thousands of requests would come for instructions for the designs. They came from all over the country—even from foreign lands—"I want the Funny Faces" or "Send me the Poppy Holders" to add to my collection—"They are the most novel I have ever seen" and "The nicest hot pads I have ever used" are a few of the comments in letters from everywhere. So we present them in this book; with several new Holders and other gadgets that space did not permit using previously.

Enterprise Yarn is the ideal material for these gadgets—the holders will give more protection—coasters and glass muffs absorb more condensed moisture—mats and rugs wear longer and look better whether on table or floor. Whether you crochet for gifts—for personal use—for bazaars—or to sell, you'll find these designs meet with approval wherever they are shown.

ENTERPRISE COTTON KNITTING YARN has met with universal approval since it was first introduced. It's a smooth, yet soft and fluffy yarn—it makes soft, yet sturdy rugs that lay flat—don't curl—hot pot holders and plate mats thick enough to keep off the heat—baby things that can be washed and boiled to sterilize—numerous other household gadgets. It works up fast—saves time in crocheting things for gifts, bazaars and personal use.