Dutch Cap Pattern

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Dutch Cap Pattern

This Dutch Hat is to be crocheted to match the Crocheted Handbag Pattern. It will take 2 balls Green and one ball each of Lt. Brown, Dk. Orange and Yellow Enterprise Yarn, (1 more ball of Green will make both bag and hat.)

In Green, ch 58, sc in second st, (3 dc in next second st, sc in next second st) 14 times.
ROW 2: Ch 3, turn, sc and hdc on ch, dc in next sc, * (hdc, sc and hdc in back loops of next 3 sts, a long dc over next sc, inserting hook at base of sc in previous row) across. * 2 hdc in side of last dc. Right side of this row is outside of hat.
ROW 3: Ch 3, turn, sc in second st of ch, * in both loops, skip next st, (3 dc in next st, sc in next long dc) across, * 4 dc in end st. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 three times or until about 17" long.
ROW 10: Ch 2, turn, dc in last st. Repeat Row 2 from * to *.
ROW 11: Ch 1, turn, sc in dc. Repeat Row 3 from * to *. Repeat Rows 10 and 11, nine times or until about 8½" wide. Fasten off.
Without turning, repeat Row 10 in Lt. Brown, then repeat Row 11 in same color, and Rows 10 and 11 in Orange and Yellow (6 rows of border). This makes right side of border opposite to balance of hat. In Green, (ch 1, sc) across end of border, (ch 1, 2 sc in back loop of center dc of next shell, ch 1, a long dc over next sc) across. (Ch 1, sc) across end of border. Fasten off.
Steam and press on back. Fold in center crosswise, wrong-side-out, and sew starting row together and across next angle, leaving balance of ends free. Turn right-side-out. Fold top point down and tack at end of first row. Turn border up, 2" in back, and spread corners.

FLOWER: In Orange, (ch 4, 1 dc in fourth st from hook, ch 3, sl st in same st) 4 times, sl st at base of first petal. * (Ch 4, 2 dc in fourth st from hook, ch 3, sl st in same st) twice, sc between next 2 petals. Repeat from * 3 times. Fasten off.
In Yellow, ch 5, sl st in first st, (ch 4, sl st in same st) 3 times. Fasten off and sew in flower center. Make a second flower in reverse colors. Sew on hat below point. Wear hat with flowers either in front or back.

Dutch Cap Pattern