Potholder Pattern #9440

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Potholder Pattern #9440

MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord, 1 ball each of Blue Jewel and Ecru … Steel Crochet Hook No. 7 … Scraps of red and green felt.

BODY … Starting at bottom with Blue, ch 24 (to measure 3½ inches). 1st row: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, 2 sc in last ch. Ch 1, turn. 2nd to 5th rows incl: 2 sc in 1st sc (an inc), sc in each sc across, 2 sc in last sc (another inc). Ch 1, turn. 6th row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. 7th row: Same as 2nd row. Repeat 6th and 7th rows alternately until piece measures 3½ inches. Work 5 rows straight. Now dec 1 sc at each end of every other row 3 times—to dec an sc, work off 2 sc as 1 sc. Dec 1 sc at each end of every row until 15 sc remain. Break off.

COVER … With Blue, ch 2. 1st row: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: 2 sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. 4th to 14th rows incl: Sc in each sc across, increasing 2 sts at center of each row about an inch apart. Break off.

RIM … With Ecru, ch 6. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat the 2nd row until piece measures the length of the last row of Cover. Break off.

KNOB … With Ecru, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. 4th and 5th rnds: Sc in each sc around. Break off. Stuff with cotton and sew opening. Double Rim lengthwise and sew along lower edge of Cover. Sew Knob at top of Cover. Sew Cover in place.

HANDLE … With double strand of Blue, ch 6. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 5 inches. Break off.

SPOUT … With single strand of Blue, ch 10. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat the 2nd row until piece measures 2½ inches. Break off. Fold under ¾ inch of this piece (top of spout). Double piece lengthwise and sew edges together for 1 inch. Remainder is base of Spout. Sew base of Spout in place and tack free part in shape. Cut 3 cherries of red felt and 3 double leaves of green. Applique in place.

PADDING … Cut flannel or cotton batting slightly smaller, and lining material slightly larger, than crocheted piece. Place padding between crocheted piece and lining. Turn under edges of lining and sew to edges of crocheted piece with neat over-and-over stitches. For pot holders consisting of 2 crocheted pieces, insert padding between crochet and sew up edges.