Bath Mitt Pattern #4-104

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Bath Mitt Pattern #4-104

ROYAL SOCIETY "EVERSHEEN", 400-yard ball: 1 ball of White or Ecru.
Royal Mouliné, 1 skein of blue.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

GAUGE: 5 sc and 5 ch-1 sps measure 1 inch; 7 rows measure 1 inch.

   Starting at wrist edge, ch 44 to measure 4½ inches. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across (22 sc). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Sc in 1st ch-1 sp, * ch 1, sc in next ch-1 sp. Repeat from * across (21 sc). Ch 3, turn. 3rd to 7th rows incl: Repeat 2nd row (16 sc). Ch 3, turn. 8th row: Sc in 1st ch-1 sp, * ch 1, sc in next ch-1 sp. Repeat from * across, ending with ch 1, sc in turning ch-3 of row below (16 sc). Ch 3, turn. Repeat last row until piece measures 2 inches in all. Next row: Sc in 1st sc (an inc made), * ch 1, sc in next ch-1 sp. Repeat from * across, ending with ch 1, sc in turning ch-3 below (17 sc). Ch 3, turn. Repeat last row until there are 26 sc on row. Then repeat 8th row until piece measures 6 inches in all. Repeat 2nd row twice; then the 8th row once (24 sc). Repeat last 3 rows until 8 sc remain. Break off. Make another piece same as this. Place pieces together and, using Mouliné, work sc through both thicknesses along shaped edges. Then work sc around wrist edge. Break off.