Mail Order Crochet Patterns

Mail Order crochet patterns

These pamphlets were available by mail order and through various newspapers.

The names Laura Wheeler and Alice Brooks were given to the lines to give them a personal feel, but these are not the actual designer names.


Boy Jesus wall panel pattern
Lords Prayer wall panel pattern
Lords Prayer 7264 wall panel pattern

Chair Sets

Cabbage Rose chairback set pattern
Pansy Chairback set pattern

Plant Hangers and Planters

Swan Centerpiece and Plant Holder pattern
Crocheted Swan Centerpiece #552 pattern
Plant Holder and Bowl Cover pattern
Crocheted Hanging Planter Jar #865 pattern
Crocheted Hanging Planter Bowl #865 pattern
Turtle Plant Holder pattern
Crocheted Umbrella Planter #7098 pattern


Crocheted Jacket #551 pattern


Crocheted Fern Doily #7151 pattern
Crocheted Pineapple Doily #7151 pattern
Crocheted Flower Petal Doily #7151 pattern
Crocheted TV Square #600 pattern