Doily with Edge in Contrasting Color Pattern #415

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Doily with Edge in Contrasting Color Pattern #415

Size about 8 inches

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mer­cerized Crochet, Size 30. 1 ball each of Ecru and 106 Sport Green, or choose J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 8, or Clark's O.N.T. "Brilliant." Milward's steel crochet hook No. 8, 9 or 10. Linen for center.

1st rnd: Ecru. 1 d tr in edge, ch 4, and repeat around, spacing d tr to make outer edge of rnd lie flat, and having total amount of d tr be divisible by 3. Join and fasten off. 2nd rnd: Green. D tr in 1st d tr, ch 4, d tr in next d tr, ch 4, d tr in last st of ch-4 of preceding rnd, d tr in next d tr, d tr in next ch, ch 4, repeat from beginning. Always join at end of rnd. 3rd rnd: Ch 9 (to count as d tr and ch 4), * d tr in next d tr, ch 4, d tr in 4th st of ch-4 of pre­ceding rnd, ch 1, d tr in center d tr of group, ch 1, d tr in next ch. Ch 4, d tr in next d tr, ch 4, and repeat from *.

4th rnd: Ch 9, * d tr in next d tr, ch 4, d tr in last st of ch-4 of preceding rnd, ch 1, d tr in next ch, ch 1, d tr in next ch, ch 1, d tr in next ch (4 d tr in group with ch-1 between). Ch 4, d tr in next d tr, ch 4, repeat from *. Fasten off. 5th rnd: Ecru. 1 tr tr in 1st d tr, ch 5, tr tr in next d tr, ch 5, 1 d c in each d tr of group, always with ch-1 between, ch 5, repeat around.

Doily with Edge in Contrasting Color Pattern #415 closeup