Useful edgings with endless application. Ranging from airy daintiness for light, delicate work to dignified distinction for more formal pieces, they provide a noteworthy finish to clothes and household linens alike. Materials suggested: American Thread Company "Silkine", "Star" or "Gem" Mercerized Crochet Cotton sizes 20 to 50. "Silkine" or Star Pearl Cotton size 5, "De Luxe" Crochet and Knitting Cotton. For dainty Edging use American Thread Company "Silkine", Mercerized Crochet Cotton sizes 50 to 100 or "Silkine" Tatting Cotton, White or Colors.
Ch 23, s c in 10th st from hook, ch 4, skip 5 sts, 5 d c in next st, ch 4, skip 5 sts, 1 s c in next st, ch 4, d c in last st.
2nd Row. Ch 7, s c in 1st loop, ch 7, sl st in 5th st for picot, ch 5, sl st in first st for picot, ch 2, s c in center of shell, work another double picot loop, s c in last loop, ch 4, d c in 3rd st of ch.
3rd Row. Ch 9, d p loop, s c between picots, d p loop, s c between next 2 picots, d p loop, d c in last loop.
Repeat these 3 rows for desired length.
To make edging No. 743 to match No. 745 insertion, finish with the following scallop. Ch 1, s c in first mesh at side of lace, ch 1, 1 s c in next mesh, ch 1, 5 d c with 1 ch between each d c in next mesh, repeat from beginning for entire length.
2nd Row. 1 s c in each s c, ch 2, 1 d c with 1 ch between in each of the first 2 d c, 2 d c with 1 ch between in center d c, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c, repeat from beginning for entire length.
Dainty Crochet Edging Pattern #701
Dainty Crochet Edging Pattern #702
Dainty Crochet Edging Pattern #703
Scarf Edging Pattern #712
Doily Edging Pattern #713
Doily Edging Pattern #714
Doily Edging Pattern #715
Doily Edging Pattern #716
Towel Edging Pattern #717
Towel Edging Pattern #718
Towel Edging Pattern #719
Towel Edging Pattern #720
Towel Edging Pattern #721
Towel Edging Pattern #722
Curtain Edging Pattern #723
Curtain Pull Pattern #724
Curtain Pull Pattern #725
Bridge Table Edging Pattern #726
Filet Monograms Pattern #728
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #733
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #734
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #735
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #736
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #737
Pillow Case Edging Pattern #738
Useful Edging Pattern #739
Useful Edging Pattern #740
Useful Edging Pattern #741
Useful Edging Pattern #742
Useful Edging Pattern #743
Useful Edging Pattern #744
Useful Edging Pattern #745
Useful Edging Pattern #746
Useful Edging Pattern #747
Useful Edging Pattern #748
Useful Edging Pattern #749
Useful Edging Pattern #750
Useful Edging Pattern #751
Towel Edging Pattern #752
Towel Edging Pattern #753
Towel Edging Pattern #754
Towel Edging Pattern #755
Towel Edging Pattern #756
Towel Edging Pattern #757
Filet Crochet Edging Pattern #758
Filet Crochet Edging Pattern #759
Filet Crochet Edging Pattern #760
Filet Crochet Edging Pattern #761
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #762
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #763
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #764
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #765
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #766
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #767
Childrens Wear Edging Pattern #768
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #769
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #770
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #771
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #772
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #773
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #774
Handkerchief Edging Pattern #775
Home Edging Pattern #776
Home Edging Pattern #777
Home Edging Pattern #778
Home Edging Pattern #779
Home Edging Pattern #780
Home Edging Pattern #781
Home Edging Pattern #782
Home Edging Pattern #783
Home Edging Pattern #784
Home Edging Pattern #785
Home Edging Pattern #786
Irish Crochet Edging #787
Filet Crochet Edging #788
Crochet Edging #789
Altar Lace in Filet Crochet #790
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #700
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #704
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #705
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #706
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #707
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #708
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #709
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #710
Dainty Tatted Edging Pattern #711
Knitted Edging Pattern #729
Knitted Edging Pattern #730
Knitted Edging Pattern #731
Knitted Edging Pattern #732