Hat Pattern #2322

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Hat Pattern #2322

J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 3 balls of Skipper Blue
Bone Crochet Hook No. 6
1⅓ yards of ribbon
Use 4 threads throughout.

Crown—First Piece ... Starting at center, ch 11. 1st rnd: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, 3 sc in last ch. Working along other side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across (22 sc). 2nd to 9th rnds incl: (Sc in each sc to center sc of next 3-sc group, 3 sc in center sc) twice, sc in each sc to end of rnd (54 sc on 9th rnd). Break off. Make another piece like this; do not break off after the 9th rnd but make sc in each sc to center sc of next 3-sc group. Sc in center sc.

Brim ... 1st rnd: Sc in center sc of 3-sc group on 1st piece, sc in each sc to center sc of next 3-sc group, sc in center sc, ch 10, sc in center sc of next 3-sc group on 2nd piece, sc in each sc to end of rnd. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in next 28 sc, sc in next 10 sts, 2 sc in next 28 sc (122 sc). 3rd to 12th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around. Mark with a colored thread for center back of hat di­rectly below the center of ch-10. 13th rnd: Sc in each sc to within 15 sc of colored thread, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of the next 28 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each sc to end of rnd. 14th and 15th rnds: (Sc in each sc to center sc of next 3-sc group, 3 sc in center sc) twice, sc in each sc to end of rnd. Sc in each sc to center sc of next 3-sc group, sl st in next sc. Break off.

With right side facing, attach thread in the 11th st from lower edge on opening of Crown at back of hat. Holding the 2 Crown pieces together and working through both thicknesses, make sc in each sc across to front of hat, thus joining them. Break off. Tack front of Brim back against Crown. Fold ribbon in half length­wise and machine stitch through center. Cut in half; make bows of each piece and sew to each side of open­ing at back.