Ear Clips Pattern

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Ear Clips Pattern

MATERIALS.—Ardern's crochet cotton No. 20 (old ticket number) or No. 40 (new ticket number). Tatting shuttle. Two ear-clips.

Ring.—1 ds. (1 p., 2 ds.) 7 times, 1 p., 1 ds., close ring, tie and cut.
Ring.—(3 ds., 1 p.) twice, 3 ds., join to p. of center ring, 3 ds. 1 p., 3 ds.) twice, close ring, r.w.
Chain.—3 ds. (1 p., 1 ds.) twice, 1 p., 3 ds., r.w.
*Ring.—3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., join to 4th p. of previous ring, 3 ds., join to next p. of center ring, 3 ds. (1 p., 3 ds.) twice, close ring, r.w.
Chain.—As before.
Repeat from * 6 times more, joining 4th p. of last ring to 2nd p. of first. Tie and cut.

Ring.—As for center of first section, r.w.
Chain.—Join thread to p. of center ring, * 3 ds. (1 p., 1 ds.) twice, 1 p., 3 ds., join to next p. Repeat from * to end, tie and cut. Sew small section to center of larger section, gathering slightly. Cover a small pad of cotton wool with white silk and sew to back. Glue to small ear-clip.