J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 1 ball of No. 12 Black.
COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. COTTON RUG YARN, Art. C.204: 1 skein each of No. 900 Robinette, No. 1 White and No. 72 Lt. Grey.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
Weaving needle … Felt for lining.
GAUGE: 8 d tr make 1⅛ inches; 2 rows make 1⅛ inches.
Starting at bottom with "Knit-Cro-Sheen," ch 80 to measure 10½ inches. 1st row: D tr in 6th ch from hook and in each ch across (76 d tr, counting turning chain as 1 d tr). Ch 5, turn. 2nd row: Skip first d tr, d tr in each d tr across, d tr in top of turning chain. Ch 5, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 10 inches in all. Break off.
WEAVING … Cut strands 14 inches long. Use single strand of Rug Yarn throughout. 1st Weaving row: Step 1: With Robinette, weave (under 1 d tr, over 1 d tr) 3 times; * under 5 d tr, (over 1 d tr, under 1 d tr) twice, over 1 d tr. Repeat from * across. Step 2: With White, weave under 6 d tr; * (over 1 d tr, under 1 d tr) twice, over 1 d tr, under 5 d tr. Repeat from * across. Step 3: With Robinette, weave under 2 d tr; * over 1 d tr, under 1 d tr, over 1 d tr, under 7 d tr. Repeat from * across. Step 4: With White, weave * under 7 d tr, over 1 d tr, under 1 d tr, over 1 d tr. Repeat from * across. Step 5: Repeat Step 1. Step 6: Repeat Step 2. 2nd Weaving row: Work as for first Weaving row, using Lt. Grey instead of Robinette and Robinette instead of White. Repeat these 2 Weaving rows alternately until all rows are woven.
Block to measurements. Finish ends neatly on wrong side. Line with felt.
Sea Spray Doily Pattern
Sea Shells 8-Piece Luncheon Set Pattern
Tea Cozy Pattern
Toaster Cover and Pot Holder Pattern
Caravel Chair Set Pattern
23rd Psalm Wall Hanging Pattern
Pansy Patch Doily Pattern
Pineapple Edging Pattern
Pineapple Nosegay Doily Pattern
Pineapple Motif Pattern
Rug and Basket Cover Pattern
Hot Plate Mat Pattern
Seat Pad Pattern
Toaster Cover Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Hot Plate Mat and Napkin Holder Pattern
Slippers Pattern
Carry-All Bag Pattern
Tulip Garden Doily Pattern
Guest Towel Pattern
Bird Cage Cover Pattern
Hostess Apron Pattern