For Single Size Spread, 62 x 109 inches, 72 balls of No. 181 Shaded Lt. Yellows.
For Double Size Spread, 84 x 109 inches, 85 balls of No. 181 Shaded Lt. Yellows; or
J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64:
For Single Size Spread, 62 x 109 inches, 72 balls of No. 9 Yellow.
For Double Size Spread, 84 x 109 inches, 85 balls of No. 9 Yellow.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
GAUGE: Each block measures 11¼ inches from side to side.
FIRST BLOCK … Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 23 dc in ring. Join with sl st to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 3, skip 1 dc, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 3rd rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, 4 dc in same loop, drop loop from hook, insert hook in top of ch-3, draw dropped loop through (pc st made), * ch 5, 5 dc in next loop, drop loop from hook, insert hook in first dc, draw dropped loop through (another pc st made). Repeat from * around. Join. 4th rnd: Sl st in next sp, ch 3, 4 dc in same sp, * ch 3, 5 dc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 5th rnd: Ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr make tr in next 4 dc, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made), * ch 5, dc in next sp, ch 5, cluster over next 5 dc. Repeat from * around. Join to tip of first cluster. 6th rnd: Sl st in next loop, sc in same loop, (ch 5, sc in next loop) twice; * ch 7, sc in next loop, (ch 5, sc in next loop) 3 times. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc. 7th rnd: * (Ch 5, sc in next loop) twice; 15 dc in next loop, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 8th rnd: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 14 times; dc in next dc, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 9th rnd: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 4, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 13 times; sc in next sp, ch 4, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * sc in next loop, ch 1, (pc st in next loop, ch 2) 12 times; pc st in next loop, ch 1, sc in next loop, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Join. 11th rnd: Sl st to first ch-2 sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 3, sc in next sp) 11 times; ch 2, skip next sc, in next sc make 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (shell made); ch 2, sc in next ch-2 sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 12th rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in same loop, * (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 10 times; ch 4, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 4, pc st in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 13th rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in next sp, * (ch 3, sc in next sp) 9 times; ch 4, skip next sp, shell in next sp, ch 2, shell in next sp, ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 14th rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in the same loop, * (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 8 times; ch 4, shell in sp of next shell (shell made over shell), ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over next shell, ch 4, skip next sp, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 15th rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 3, sc in next sp) 7 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over next shell, ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 16th rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in same loop, * (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 6 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next loop, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next loop, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 17th rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 3, sc in next sp) 5 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 18th rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in same loop, * (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 4 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, sc in each sc across, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 19th rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 3, sc in next sp) 3 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next loop, sc in each sc across, 2 sc in next loop, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
20th rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in same loop, * (ch 2, pc st in next sp) twice; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, sc in each sc across, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 21st rnd: Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * ch 3, sc in next sp, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, skip 4 sc, sc in next sc, ch 5, skip 4 sc, sc in next 7 sc, ch 5, skip 4 sc, sc in next sc, ch 5, 2 sc in next sp, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. 22nd rnd: Sl st in next loop, ch 3, pc st in same loop, * ch 4, shell over shell, (ch 5, 2 sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 5, skip 3 sc, sc in next sc, (ch 5, 2 sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, skip next sp, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 23rd rnd: Sl st to sp of next shell, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; * (ch 5, 2 sc in next loop) 8 times; ch 5, shell over next 2 shells. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
SECOND BLOCK … Work as for First Block until 22 rnds have been completed. 23rd rnd: Sl st to sp of next shell, ch 3, dc in same sp, ch 1, sl st in sp of corresponding shell on First Block, ch 1, 2 dc in same sp on Second Block, (ch 2, sl st in next loop on First Block, ch 2, 2 sc in next loop on Second Block) 8 times; ch 2, sl st in next loop on First Block, ch 2, 2 dc in sp of next shell on Second Block, ch 1, sl st in sp of corresponding shell on First Block, ch 1, 2 dc in sp of same shell on Second Block. Complete rnd (no more joinings).
For Single Size Spread, make 6 rows of 5 blocks and 5 rows of 4 blocks. For Double Size Spread, make 6 rows of 7 blocks and 5 rows of 6 blocks. Join as in diagram.
HALF BLOCK … Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st row: Ch 3, 14 dc in ring. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in first dc, * ch 3, skip 1 dc, sc in next dc. Repeat from * across, ending with sc in top of turning chain. Ch 5, turn. 3rd row: Pc st in first loop, * ch 5, pc st in next loop. Repeat from * across, ending with ch 2, dc in last sc. Ch 6, turn. 4th row: Skip first sp, (5 dc in next sp, ch 3) 6 times; skip 2 ch of turning chain, dc in next ch. Ch 8, turn. 5th row: Skip first dc, * tr cluster over next 5 dc, ch 5, dc in next sp, ch 5. Repeat from * across, ending with dc in 3rd ch of turning chain. Ch 10, turn. 6th row: Sc in first loop, * (ch 5, sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 7, sc in next loop. Repeat from * once more, (ch 5, sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 7, dc in same loop as last sc was made. Ch 3, turn. 7th row: 8 dc in the first loop, * (sc in next loop, ch 5) twice; sc in next loop, 15 dc in next loop. Repeat from * once more, (sc in next loop, ch 5) twice; sc in next loop, 9 dc in next loop. Ch 4, turn. 8th row: Skip first dc, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 7 times; dc in next dc, * sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 14 times; dc in next dc. Repeat from * once more, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 8 times; dc in top of turning chain. Ch 1, turn. 9th row: Sc in first dc, ch 3, skip next sp, (sc in next sp, ch 3) 6 times; sc in next sp, * ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, (sc in next sp, ch 3) 13 times; sc in next sp. Repeat from * once more, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, (sc in next sp, ch 3) 7 times; sc in 3rd ch of turning chain. Ch 4, turn.
10th row: Pc st in first loop, (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 6 times; * ch 1, sc in next loop, sc in next sc, sc in next loop, ch 1, (pc st in next loop, ch 2) 12 times; pc st in next loop. Repeat from * once more, ch 1, sc in next loop, sc in next sc, sc in next loop, ch 1, (pc st in next loop, ch 2) 6 times; pc st in next loop, ch 1, dc in next sc. Ch 1, turn. 11th row: Sc in first dc, (ch 3, sc in next ch-2 sp) 6 times; * ch 2, skip 1 sc, shell in next sc, ch 2, (sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3) 11 times; sc in next sp. Repeat from * once more, ch 2, skip 1 sc, shell in next sc, ch 2, (sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3) 6 times; sc in 3rd ch of turning chain. Ch 4, turn. 12th row: Pc st in first loop, (ch 2, pc st in next loop) 5 times; * ch 4, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 4, (pc st in next ch-3 loop, ch 2) 10 times; pc st in next loop. Repeat from * once more, ch 4, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 4, (pc st in next ch-3 loop, ch 2) 5 times; pc st in next loop, ch 1, dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. Continue to work as for Block, keeping each side straight and having 1 pc st less on inside edge of each end pineapple, until 1 pc st remains. Next row: Work as for last row of Block, joining adjacent sides to free sides of 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows of completed blocks. Make necessary number of half blocks to even off long sides and join as before.
RUFFLE … 1st row: Leaving 2 sides free on end motif, attach thread between next 2 shells. Working across long side, ch 5, in sp between shells make sc, ch 5 and sc; * (ch 5, sc in next loop) 5 times; ch 5, in next loop make sc, ch 5 and sc (1 loop increased). Repeat from * around 3 sides. Ch 5, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: * Sc in next loop, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Ch 5, turn. 4th row: * (Sc in next loop, ch 5) 6 times; inc 1 loop. Repeat from * around. Ch 5, turn. 5th, 6th and 7th rows: Repeat 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows, having 1 loop more between increases on 7th row. 8th and 9th rows: Repeat 2nd row. Break off at end of 9th row.
Block to measurements.
Modern Mode Tablecloth & Napkin Pattern
Pineapple Wheel Luncheon Mat & Napkin Edging Pattern
Festival Fancy Luncheon Mat & Napkin Edging Pattern
Pineapple Oval Luncheon Mat & Napkin Edging Pattern
Sunset Sky Luncheon Mat & Napkin Edging Pattern
Pineapple Frosting Bedspread Pattern
Pineapple Foam Runner & Doily Pattern
Bath Towel Set Edging Pattern
Pillow Case Edging Pattern
Guest Towel Edging 1 Pattern
Guest Towel Edding 2 Pattern
Tea Apron Edging Pattern
Pineapple Leaves Tray Mat & Napkin Edging Pattern