LILY DOUBLE QUICK Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Art. 50: 2 skeins Cream.
No. 3 Steel Crochet Hook.
Clear plastic paint in pressure can.
SIZE — 7 x 6 inches.
TOP: BASE: Starting in center, ch 2.
RND 1: 7 sc in 2d ch from hook. Do not join rnds. Mark end of rnds.
RND 2: 2 sc in each sc (14 sc).
RND 3: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc (1 sc increased). Repeat from * around (21 sc).
RND 4: Sc in each sc, increasing 7 sc evenly around. Repeat Rnd 4 thru Rnd 21 (147 sc in final rnd).
RND 22: Sc in each sc around; sl st in next sc. Mark edge into 3 equal sections (49 sc in each).
1st SECTION: Work all rows in back lps only.
1st POINT: Ch 2, sc in 2d ch from hook, sl st in next 2 sc on Base.
2d POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, sc in next sc; * ch 1, turn, sc in sc, sl st in next 2 sc on Base. Repeat for 3d Point.
4th POINT: Repeat 2d Point to *; ch 2, turn, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch (1 sc increase), sc in next sc, 2 sl sts on Base.
5th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, sc in next 2 sc; ch 2, turn, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sl sts on Base,
6th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, sc in sc of last row; ch 3, turn, sk 1 ch, sc in next 2 ch, sc in sc of last row, 2 sl sts on Base.
7th POINT: Repeat last Point (7 sc high).
8th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, sc in 7 sc; ch 4, turn, 3 sc on chain (3 sc inc), sc in 7 sc, 2 sl sts on Base.
9th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, 10 sc; increase 3 sc (as in last Point), 10 sc, 1 sl st on Base.
10th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc across last row; ch 5, turn, 4 sc on chain (4 sc inc), sc in each sc, 1 sl st on Base.
11th POINT: Repeat 10th Point, except inc. 5 sc (22 sc high).
12th POINT: Inc. 6 sc (28 sc high).
13th POINT: Inc. 7 sc. Repeat 13th Point 3 times (56 sc in last point).
17th (center) POINT: Repeat 10th Point (60 sc high).
18th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc thru 5th sc from end (4 sc decrease); ch 2, turn, sc in each sc, 1 sl st on Base.
19th POINT: Ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc thru 8th sc from end (7 sc dec); ch 2, turn, sc in each sc, 1 sl st on Base. Repeat 19th Point 3 times (28 sc on final point).
23d POINT: Dec. 6 sc (22 sc high).
24th POINT: Dec. 5 sc.
25th POINT: 13 sc high; 2 sl sts on Base. (Make 2 sl sts on Base between bal. of Points).
26th POINT: 10 sc high.
27th POINT: 7 sc high.
28th POINT: 5 sc high.
29th POINT: 3 sc high.
30th POINT: 2 sc high.
31st POINT: * Ch 1, turn, sk sl sts, 1 sc; ch 1, turn. 1 sc; 2 sl sts on Base. Repeat from * twice, with only 1 sl st in marked sc on Base after 33d Point. Repeat from 1st Point twice (3 Sections); join and fasten off.
BOTTOM: Repeat Base, then repeat Rnd 22 again; mark edge into 3 sections. Repeat 3 Top Sections. Place 2 pieces back-to-back and sew tog. around edges. Starch heavily and roll in paper towels for 1 hour. Cut a heavy cardboard circle to fit Base. Place on Base over a circle of waxed paper. Fill a pint fruit jar with sand or pebbles. Cover top with cardboard, set on Base and pin each Section to cardboard cap. Leave until dry. Spray on 2 coats of clear plastic.
Glitter Collar, Belt and Bag Set Pattern
Daffodil Garden Skirt Pattern
TV Slippers Pattern
Hat, Collar and Bag Set Pattern
Place Mats and Chair Pad Covers Pattern
Straw Doily Pattern
Place Mat Pattern
Oblong Pillow Pattern
Round Pillow Pattern
Square Pillow Pattern
Crocheted Rug Pattern
Spiral Place Mat Pattern
Kitchen Rug Pattern
Fruit Bowl Pattern
Lantern Pot Holder Pattern
Clockhouse Pot Holder Pattern
Square Pot Holder Pattern
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Hairpin Lace Place Mat Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Shrug Pattern