Regency Centerpiece Pattern #7265

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Regency Centerpiece Pattern #7265

Use one of the following threads—
J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 2 balls of Cream and 1 ball of Blue.
Clark's O.N.T. Lustersheen, 2 skeins of Cream and 1 skein of Blue.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 7 or 8.

Completed centerpiece measures about 14½ x 23 inches.

Gauge: 10 d c make 1 inch; 4 rows make 1 inch (each individual square indicates 3 d c).

   Wind about 50 yds. of Blue into a separate ball, and lay aside to be used later.

Starting at bottom of chart, with larger ball of Blue ch 11. 1st row: D c in 4th ch from hook, d c in each ch across (9 d c, counting turning ch as 1 d c). Ch 5, turn. 2nd row: D c in 4th ch from hook, d c in next ch (3 d c or 1 bl increased), d c in next 8 d c. Make a foundation d c as follows: Thread over, insert hook in top st of turning ch and draw loop through, thread over and draw through 1 loop (1 ch st made, to be used as a foundation st for next d c); complete d c in usual way. Make 2 more foundation d c and 1 d c in usual way (3 d c or 1 bl increased). Ch 8, turn. 3rd row: D c in 4th ch from hook, d c in next 4 ch (6 d c or 2 bls increased), d c in next 5 d c, thread over, insert hook in next d c and draw loop through, thread over and draw through 2 loops; drop Blue, attach Cream and draw through remaining 2 loops. Holding Blue along top of previous row and working over it to conceal it, work d c in next 2 d c, thread over, insert hook in next d c and draw loop through, thread over and draw through 2 loops; drop Cream, pick up Blue and draw through remaining 2 loops (3 Cream d c made). With Blue make d c in each remaining d c, concealing Cream and carrying it only so far as necessary to continue pattern on next row; now make 6 foundation d c and 1 d c in usual way (6 d c or 2 bls increased). Ch 8, turn. 4th row: D c in 4th ch from hook, d c in next 4 ch (6 d c or 2 bls increased), d c in next 9 d c, leaving last 2 loops of 9th d c on hook; pick up Cream and draw through 2 loops on hook. Then, concealing Blue, make 9 Cream d c, leaving last 2 loops of 9th d c on hook; pick up Blue and draw through 2 loops on hook. Concealing Cream, make 8 Blue d c, 6 foundation d c and 1 d c in usual way. Ch 5, turn. Starting at 5th row follow chart until 29th row is completed, concealing unused color as before. 30th row: 3 Blue bls, 1 Cream bl, 1 Blue, 4 Cream, 5 Blue; do not conceal Blue any further, but leave it at back of work and work 17 Cream bls; attach small ball of Blue and continue across row. Continue thus, working with 2 balls of Blue and 1 ball of Cream, until 34th row is completed. 35th row: (This is first decrease row.) Sl st in each of 1st 4 d c (3 d c or 1 bl decreased), ch 3 (to count as d c) and follow chart across row, working to within last 3 d c of previous row. Ch 3, turn (3 d c or 1 bl decreased). Follow chart to top (46th row); then reverse chart and work back from 45th row to 1st row (fasten off small ball of Blue when you reach the 30th row). Fasten off.

Regency Centerpiece Pattern #7265 chart