The city of Le Puy, with Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe church sitting atop a pointed rock peak, presents an appearance which is typical of the geography of the region. These pointed, conical peaks are often extinct volcanoes widely known throughout France and the world as the puys of Auvergne. Some of the mountains are solid granite. Others yield their long protected coal deposits to stoke the furnaces of recently developed local industries.
Charming laces, created with D•M•C threads in Le Puy, are internationally famous. Lafayette, hero of the American revolution, was born near here in 1757.
Limoges Porcelains, sheepskin gloves of Millau, highly artistic textiles, and the famous Roquefort cheese all serve to remind us of the importance of the Province of Auvergne.
The volcanoes, no longer active, have left the people a practical reminder of the centuries past; these mementoes are warm springs located throughout the mountains and now harnessed by the villagers as sources of winter heat.
Such an austere landscape has had its effect on the Auvergnat. He is solid of character, physically rugged and faithfully religious.
MATERIALS: D•M•C Pearl Cotton, Art. 116D, Size 5: 1 ball Black No. 310, 1 ball White, 1 ball Med. Sevres No. 798, 1 ball Lt. Sevres No. 799, 1 ball Kelly Green No. 701, 2 balls Turkey Red No. 321, ½ ball Red No. 350.
D•M•C Pearl Cotton, Art. 116D, Size 8: 1 ball Black No. 310, 1 ball White.
Steel Crochet Hooks, Size 5 and Size 8.
SKIRT: The skirt is worked lengthwise in one piece with a seam in the back. With White (Size 5) and Size 5 hook, ch 46. Work 2 rows of sc of each color as follows: White, Red No. 321, White, Red, White, Green, Red, Black, Red, Green. Repeat this same set of stripes 7 times more — always break thread at each color change. Sew seam leaving a 2" opening at top. Run in threads and turn up a hem the desired size. For waistband, with Red, ch 50 then work 4 rows of sc. Gather top of skirt and sew to waistband. Close with a snap.
WAIST: For front, with Blue No. 798, and Size 5 hook, ch 25. Work in sc as follows: 5 rows Blue, 1 row Red No. 350, 1 row Blue, 1 row Red, 5 rows Blue. Next row, leave off 3 sts at each side for armholes and continue stripes as follows: 1 row Red, 1 row Blue, 1 row Red, 3 rows Blue. On next row (20th), work 15 rows across the first 4 sts for shoulder straps. Work other side to correspond. For each half of back, ch 15 then work to correspond to front. Sew side seams and sew shoulder straps to back. For sleeves, ch 25. Work stripes same as for waist until there are 22 rows. Continuing with Blue, leave off 2 sts at each sjde on next 2 rows. Sew seams and set in sleeves.
APRON: With Blue No. 799 and Size 5 hook, ch 90. Work 4 rows of sc. Work 1 row of sc across center 24 sts increasing in every stitch. Work 30 rows of sc. For bib, work 8 rows of sc across center 12 sts of waistband increasing 1 stitch at each side on 2nd and 4th row.
HEAD-DRESS: Starting at back, work a semicircle as follows: With Black (Size 8) and Size 8 hook, ch 82. Work 12 rows of dc. Work in dc for 16 more rows decreasing 1 stitch at each end of every row then work 4 more rows decreasing 3 sts at each end. Work 1 row of sc along the rounded edge. For lace edge, with White and Size 8 hook, ch 82. Work 2 rows of sc then work lace-stitch as follows: Work 1 sc, * ch 3, skip 2 sts, work 1 sc; repeat from * Work 2 more rows placing the sc in center of ch-3 loop. Sew lace edge inside head-dress and shape to fit head.
SHAWL: With White and Size 8 hook, ch 70. Work 10 rows of dc increasing in center stitch by working 3 dc in 1 stitch. Make a fringe by drawing 3 double threads through every other stitch. Gather the two ends.