Sandal Patterns

Sandals Pattern

Sandals Pattern

Here are Boots and Slippers for use around the house that will permit you to add to your wardrobe • not tax the facilities of hard pressed manufacturers.

Beach Sandals Pattern #462

Beach Sandals Pattern #462

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5, 3 balls of Black and 2 balls of Red.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 3.

Beach Sandals Pattern #473

Beach Sandals Pattern #473

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5, 2 balls of Ecru.

Beach Sandal Pattern #S-729

Beach Sandal Pattern

Small, Medium and Large

Beach Sandals Pattern

Beach Sandals Pattern

COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MERCERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 3 balls of No. 126 Spanish Red and a few yards each of No. 43 Dk. Yellow, No.

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