Tatting Medallion Patterns #8175, #8176, #8180

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Tatting Medallion Patterns #8175, #8176, #8180

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


No. 8180: Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 30, 1 ball, and a shuttle.

When completed, medallion measures about 2 inches in diameter.

Starting at center, with shuttle thread make r of 6 ds, 4 p's sep. by 7 ds, 1 ds, cl. Tie securely. Break off. Make lr of 12 ds, join to 1st p of center r, 12 ds, cl. With ball thread make ch of 7 ds, p, 11 ds, join to p of center r where previous r was joined; 11 ds, p, 7 ds, cl by drawing ball thread tightly through tip of ch just made (thus forming double r). Rw. * Continuing with ball thread, make ch of 7 ds, p, 7 ds, p, 7 ds. With shuttle thread make sr of 8 ds, join to p of double r, 8 ds, cl. Make another sr of 8 ds, p, 8 ds, cl. Rw. With ball thread make a ch of 7 ds, p, 7 ds, p, 7 ds. Rw. With shuttle thread make lr of 12 ds, join to next p of center r, 12 ds, cl. Rw. With ball thread make ch of 7 ds, join to p of last sr, 11 ds, join to p of center r where previous r was joined, 11 ds, p, 7 ds, cl as before at tip of ch (thus forming double r). Repeat from * around, but join last sr to double r, and last ch to tip of double r as before.