The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.
No. 8184: Use one shuttle and a ball of thread. Tie shuttle and ball threads together. R of 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to lp of 1st r made, 4 ds, cl. R of 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 3 ds. * Rw, r of 4 ds, join to lp of last r made, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to same lp to which last r is joined, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to last lp, 4 ds, cl. R of 4 ds, join to 1st lp, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 lp's sep. by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to 1st lp, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, lp, 2 ds, lp, 4 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, lp, 4 ds. Rw, ch of 3 ds, lp, 2 ds, sk 1st lp of adjacent ch, join to next lp, 2 ds, join to next lp of same ch, 2 ds, lp, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to lp of sr, 4 ds, cl. R of 4 ds, lp, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, lp, 2 ds, sk 1 lp of adjacent ch, join to next lp, 2 ds, join to next lp of same ch, 2 ds, lp, 3 ds. Repeat from * for length desired.
Tatting Doily Pattern #8161
Tatting Doily Pattern #8183
Tatting Doily Pattern #8182
Tatting Doily Pattern #8158
Tatting Doily Pattern #8147
Tatting Doily Pattern #8181
Tatting Doily Pattern #8154
Tatting Doily Pattern #8150
Tatting Doily Pattern #8151
Tatting Doily Pattern #860
Tatting Doily Pattern #8155
Tatting Doily Pattern #821
Tatting Corner Pattern #8173
Tatting Edging Patterns #8138, #8141, #8136, #8133
Tatting Edging Patterns #8144, #8135, #8184, #863
Tatting Edging Patterns #8145, #8132, #861, #8123
Tatting Edging Patterns #8140, #8142
Tatting Edging Patterns #8137, #8125, #8130, #8134, #8131, #8143
Tatting Edging Patterns #8129, #8128, #8146, #8126
Tatting Edging Patterns #8122, #8139, #8124, #8127
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8153, #8163, #8149, #8174, #859
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8175, #8176, #8180
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8171, #8172, #8148
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8168, #8156, #8162, #8170
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8179, #8178, #8157, #8169
Tatting Medallion Patterns #8160, #8159, #8152, #8177