Materials Required. American Thread Company "De Luxe" Mercerized Crochet and Knitting Cotton or "Star" Crochet Cord.
14 300-yd. Balls, White or Ecru.
6 250-yd. Balls, Red or any Color desired.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.
PATTERN. 1st Row—Ch 5, skip 2 sts, * 1 d c in each of the next 3 sts, ch 2, skip 2 sts, 1 d c in each of the next 3 sts, ch 5, skip 5 sts, 1 d c in next st, ch 5, skip 5 sts and repeat from * ending row with one open mesh.
2nd Row—1 open mesh, * 3 d c, ch 2, 3 d c, ch 3, s c over 5 ch loop, ch 3, d c in d c, ch 3, s c over ch, ch 3, repeat from * ending row with open mesh.
3rd Row—1 open mesh, * 3 d c, ch 2, 3 d c, ch 5, d c in d c, ch 5, repeat from * ending row with open mesh.
Repeat the last 2 rows for pattern.
LOWER SASH CURTAIN. Beginning work at top of one half. With Ecru ch 322, work 1st tr c in 7th st from hook and work 315 more d tr c on ch then work 1 more row of d tr c and 1 row of d c then work in pattern until curtain measures about 36 inches or length desired, work 1 row of d c and 1 row of open meshes. Work second half to correspond.
BEADING FOR ROD. Join thread in lower part of 1st row of tr c, ch 10, s c in top of 3rd row, ch 13, skip 10 sts at lower edge, s c in next st, ch 13, skip 10 sts at top, s c in next st, continue across curtain.
Upper sash curtain is made in 4 sections, 2 sections for each side.
With Red ch 135 for top edge, work a d tr c in 12th st from hook, * ch 2, skip 2 sts, d tr c in next st, repeat from * to end of ch (42 meshes).
2nd Row—Ch 3, 2 d c in each mesh and 1 d c in each d tr c. Next row begin pattern and continue until work measures about 44 inches.
With Ecru, ch 135 and continue same as first section until work measures 22 inches then decrease one mesh each row at one side of work until one mesh remains.
Beginning at top, sew the long side of this section to the 1st section.
Work other half to correspond.
Edge all around all sections with Red. 1 s c in mesh, ch 3, 1 s c in same mesh, * 1 s c in next mesh, ch 3, s c in same mesh, repeat from *.
TIE-BACKS. Ch 23, d c in 8th st from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 st, d c in next st, ch 2, skip 2 sts, d c in next st, repeat from * twice. Ch 5, turn.
2nd Row—D c in d c, d c in mesh, d c in d c, ch 2, d c in next d c, d c in mesh, d c in d c, ch 2, d c in next d c, d c in mesh, d c in d c, ch 2 d c in center of ch. Repeat the last row until tie-back measures about 16 inches and finish with edge same as curtain.
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Curtain Pull Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Scottie Pot Holder Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Filet Scarf Runner Pattern
Bread Tray Doily Pattern
Hot Plate Mats Pattern
Peacock Filet Motif Pattern
Flower Filet Motif Pattern
Tree Filet Motif Pattern
Star Doily Pattern
Cottage Curtains Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Tea Cloth Pattern
Luncheon Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Giant Mesh Chair Set Pattern
Chair Set Pattern
Face Cloth Pattern
Carnation Dish Cloth Pattern
Curtain Tie Back Pattern
Scarf Runner Pattern
Doily Pattern
Doily Pattern