Criss-Cross Chair Set Pattern #C-104

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Criss-Cross Chair Set Pattern #C-104

Chair Back measures 10 x 17 inches
Arm Piece measures 7½ x 10 inches

MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30: Small Ball: J. & P. Coats—6 balls of White or Ecru, or 8 balls of any color, or Clark's O.N.T.—9 balls of White or Ecru, or 11 balls of any color … Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

GAUGE: 4 clusters make 1¼ inches.

CHAIR BACK … Starting at long side, ch 278 to measure 17½ inches. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, * ch 4, skip 4 ch, sc in next ch, ch 4, skip 4 ch, sc in next 2 ch. Repeat from * across. Ch 5, turn. 2nd row: Skip first sc, d tr in next sc, * ch 5, holding back on hook the last loop of each d tr make 2 d tr in tip of last d tr made, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made), sc in next sc, ch 5, make a 2-d tr cluster in same sc, d tr in next 2 sc. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: * Sc in next 2 d tr, ch 5, holding back on hook the last loop of each d tr make 2 d tr in same place as last sc (another cluster made); ch 5 and complete a 2-d tr cluster in 5th ch from hook. Repeat from * across, ending with 2 sc. Ch 5, turn. 4th row: Skip first sc, d tr in next sc, * ch 4, sc in tip of next cluster, ch 4, d tr in next 2 sc. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. 5th row: * Sc in next 2 d tr, ch 4, sc in next sc, ch 4. Repeat from * across, ending with 2 sc. Ch 5, turn. Repeat 2nd to 5th rows incl until piece measures 10 inches, ending with the 5th row. Ch 1, turn.

EDGING … Sc in first sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook (picot made), * (4 sc in next sp, sc in next sc) twice; picot. Repeat from * across. Then work in pattern across remaining sides, spacing picots evenly. Join and break off.

ARM PIECE (Make 2) … Starting at narrow edge, ch 124 to measure 8 inches. Work exactly as for Chair Back.
   Starch lightly and press.