Honeycomb Chair Set Pattern #C-101

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Honeycomb Chair Set Pattern #C-101

Chair Back measures 10½ x 15 inches
Arm Piece measures 6½ x 10½ inches

MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30: Small Ball: J. & P. Coats—6 balls of White or Ecru, or 8 balls of any color, or Clark's O.N.T.—9 balls of White or Ecru, or 10 balls of any color … Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

GAUGE: 2 clusters make 1 inch.

CHAIR BACK1st row: Starting at long side, * ch 5, holding back on hook the last loop of each d tr make 2 d tr in 5th ch from hook, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made). Repeat from * until 59 clusters are made. Turn. 2nd row: Make 2 clusters as before, * skip next 2 clusters on previous row, sl st between 2nd cluster skipped and following cluster, ch 5, 2-d tr cluster in same place as sl st, ch 5, 2-d tr cluster in 5th ch from hook. Repeat from * across, ending with sl st between last 2 clusters, ch 5, 2-d tr cluster in same place as sl st. Turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece measures 10½ inches. Turn.

EDGING 1st rnd: * Ch 8, skip next 2 clusters, sc between 2nd cluster skipped and the following cluster. Repeat from * across side, ending with sc between last 2 clusters of side, ch 10, skip next cluster, sc between last cluster skipped and the following cluster, ch 8, skip next 2 clusters, sc between 2nd cluster skipped and the following cluster; continue in this manner across this side, ending with sc at base of last cluster and complete rnd, making opposite corners to correspond, ending with ch 8, sl st in last cluster (at base of ch-8 first made). 2nd rnd: Ch 1, * 9 sc in next sp, sc in next sc, ch 5, sc in same sc (picot made). Repeat from * around, making 5 sc, picot and 5 sc in each ch-10 sp. Join and break off.

ARM PIECE (Make 2) … Work as for Chair Back until 25 clusters are made on 1st row. Turn. Continue as for Chair Back until piece measures 10½ inches. Complete as for Chair Back.
   Starch lightly and press.