Striped Afghan Pattern #682

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Striped Afghan Pattern #682

Size 66 x 48 inches

5 skeins Knitting Worsted (4 oz. skein) d'green
2 skeins Knitting Worsted (4 oz. skein) each 1'green, yellow and gold
1 Aluminum crochet hook No. 6 or G

     Ch. 64 inch. (approx. 210 sts.) with d'green and work in pattern as follows:
     1st row: 1 d.c. in 4th st. from hook, 1 d.c. in each st. to end of row. Break off yarn, attach yellow.
     2nd row: ch. 3, turn, 1 d.c. in each st. to end of row, break off yarn.
     Repeat 2nd row for the entire afghan and work colors as follows: * 1 row d'green, 1 row 1'green, 1 row d'green, 1 row gold, 1 row d'green, 1 row yellow *. Repeat from * to * 13 times. Work 1 row d'green. Fasten off.

     With d'green work 1 row s.c. (approx. 160 s.c. across and 210 s.c. down) around the entire afghan, working 3 s.c. in each corner st. Work 1 row yellow, 1 row d'green, 1 row 1'green, 1 row d'green, 1 row gold, 1 row d'green in same manner. Fasten off and block to size.