Materials Required—The following AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY Products:
7 ¼" FROG. (Length of Body) "STAR" PEARL COTTON, Size 5, 60 yd. Balls. 2 Balls Yellow, 3 Balls Green. Steel Crochet Hook No. 8. Work with single thread.
10 ½" FROG. "STAR" PEARL COTTON Size 5, 60 yd. Balls. 4 Balls Yellow, 6 Balls Green. Steel Crochet Hook No. 4. Work with double thread.
15 ½" FROG. "STAR" COTTON YARN, 100 yd. Skeins. 2 Skeins Yellow, 3 Skeins Green. Bone Crochet Hook No. 6. Work with single yarn.
Cotton or Kapok for filling.
2 Small Buttons for each frog.
HEAD. With Green, ch 17, 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, * 1 d c in next st, 1 s c in next st, repeat from * 6 times, 1 d c in last st, ch 1, turn. 2nd Row—1 s c, 1 d c, 1 s c in first d c, * 1 d c in next s c, 1 s c in next d c, repeat from * 6 times, then 1 d c, 1 s c, 1 d c in last s c, ch 1, turn. 3rd Row—1 s c in first d c, 1 d c in next s c, * 1 s c in next d c, 1 d c in next s c, repeat from * across row. (Always end row with a d c and ch 1 to turn each row). 4th Row—1 s c, 1 d c, 1 s c in first d c, work even across row working 1 d c, 1 s c, 1 d c in last s c. Repeat last 2 rows twice. 9th to 21st Rows—Work same as 3rd row. 22nd and 25th Rows—Work same as 4th row. 23rd, 24th and 26th Rows—Work same as 3rd row. 27th Row—Work even to end of row, then ch 7, turn. 28th Row—1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 d c in next st, 1 s c in next st, 1 d c in next st, 1 s c in next st, 1 d c in next st, continue working across row, then ch 7 and turn. 29th Row—Work across ch same as 28th row, then continue across row. Next 5 Rows Work even. 35th Row—Start decreasing, skip the first 2 sts, s c in next d c, d c in next s c, continue even across row. Work 14 more rows the same as 35th row, break thread.
With Yellow—Work under section in same manner.
HIND LEG. With Green, ch 12, work 11 s c on ch, ch 1 to turn each row. 2nd Row—1 s c in each s c, work 10 more rows even.
START FEET. 13th, 14th and 15th Rows—1 s c in each s c increasing 1 s c in first and last st in each row. 16th Row—1 s c in each of the first 4 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 3 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 3 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the last 4 s c. 17th Row—1 s c in each of the first 4 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 5 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 5 s c, 2 s c in next s c, ch 1, turn. 18th Row—2 s c in first s c, 1 s c in each of next 7 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of next 7 s c, 2 s c in next s c, ch 1, turn. 19th Row—Increase 1 s c at beginning and end of row and in the center st, break thread and work 3 more sections in same manner.
FRONT LEG. Ch 10, work 9 s c on ch, ch 1, turn and work 21 more rows even. 23rd, 24th, 25th Rows—Increase 1 s c at beginning and end of each row. 26th Row—1 s c in each of first 4 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 2 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 2 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the last 4 s c. 27th Row—1 s c in each of first 4 s c, 2 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 4 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 4 s c, 2 s c in next s c, ch 1, turn. 28th Row—2 s c in first s c, 1 s c in each of the next 6 s c, 3 s c in next s c, 1 s c in each of the next 6 s c, 2 s c in next s c, ch 1, turn. 29th Row—Increase 1 s c in first, center and last s c, break thread. Work 3 more front leg sections in same manner.
TO ASSEMBLE FROG. Sew one of the front leg pieces to each side of Green section starting at about the 21st row, and sewing towards back, sew one of the hind leg sections to each side of Green, starting at about the 40th row, ending at last row. Sew the other 4 leg sections to Yellow section in same manner. Match the Yellow to the Green section and sew all around leaving enough opening at side to allow for filling. Stuff legs and feet slightly, stuff body and sew remainder. Tack feet down to indicate toes.
EYES ARE WORKED WITH SINGLE THREAD. Using Yellow, ch 9, work 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each of the next 6 sts, 3 s c in next st, working on opposite side of ch, work 1 s c in each st, 2 s c in same st with first s c, do not join rows. 2nd Row—1 s c in each s c. 3rd and 4th Rows—Increase 2 sts at each end of each row. 5th Row—1 s c in each s c. 6th Row—Working in back loop of st only, 1 s c in each s c. Next 3 Rows—Working in both loops, work 1 s c in each s c, break thread. Work another Yellow eye. With Green, ch 9 and work 8 s c on ch, ch 1, turn. Decrease 1 st at beginning of each row until 3 sts remain, break thread. Work another section in same manner. Sew the two Green sections to the top of Yellow eyes, stuff with cotton and sew in position. With Yellow embroider mouth as illustrated. Finish with two small buttons as illustrated.
Other great patterns from Toys..., Star Book No. 39:
Crocheted Teddy Bears
Humpty Dumpty
Pompom Cats & Kittens
Crocheted Lambs
Crocheted Pigs
Hens & Baby Chicks
Jack & Jill
Crocheted Frogs
Crocheted Horses