Baby Monkey Pattern #S-613

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Baby Monkey Pattern

COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MERCERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 3 balls of No. 1 White and 1 ball of No. 46-A Mid Rose. A few yards of No. 76-A Aqua.
COATS or CLARK'S O.N.T. SIX STRAND EMBROIDERY FLOSS, Art. C.11: 1 skein of No. 12 Black.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 2/0 (double zero).
2 black buttons for eyes … A scrap of red felt for mouth … ½ yard of blue ribbon, ¾ inch wide … Cotton batting for stuffing.

GAUGE: 6 sc make 1 inch; 6 rows make 1 inch.

HEAD … Starting at nose with Mid Rose, ch 2. 1st rnd: 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc (1 sc increased). Repeat from * around. 4th to 7th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around, increasing 5 sc evenly around. Break off at end of 7th rnd. 8th rnd: Attach White to next sc, sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly around. Work as for 8th rnd until there are 65 sc on rnd. Work without increasing until piece measures 3 inches in all from center of nose. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, de­creasing 6 sc evenly around—to dec 1 sc, work off 2 sc as 1 sc. Repeat last rnd until there are 23 sc on rnd. Stuff Head firmly and continue decreasing until all sc's have been worked off.

HAND … Starting at back of Hand with White, ch 14. 1st row: Half dc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 2, turn. 2nd to 11th rows incl: Half dc in each half dc across. Ch 2, turn. At end of 11th row, ch 12, sl st in first half dc at beginning of row.

ARM 1st rnd: Sc in each half dc and in each ch around. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat 2nd rnd until piece measures 4 inches from first rnd at end of Hand. Break off. Attach Mid Rose to base of first sc on opposite side of starting ch-12 of Arm and work palm as follows: 1st row: Half dc in each ch across. Ch 2, turn. 2nd to 10th rows incl: Half dc in each half dc across. Ch 2, turn. Break off at end of 10th row. Sew to back of hand around edge.

THUMB … With Mid Rose, ch 6. Work as for back of hand until 3 rows have been completed. Break off. Sew long edges together and sew to side of hand.
   Make another arm and hand piece the same way. Place a pin as marker on last rnd of each arm on inner side.

BODY 1st rnd: Attach White to sc at marker on either arm, sc in each sc around arm, ch 4, sc in sc at marker on other arm, sc in each sc around second arm. 2nd rnd: Sc in each ch of ch-4 be­tween arms, sc in each sc around arm; working on opposite side of chain, sc in each ch across, sc in each sc around second arm. 3rd rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat last rnd until Body measures 3½ inches from end of arms. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, increas­ing 6 sc across back and decreasing 6 sc across stomach. Following rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat last rnd until Body measures 4¾ inches in all. Next rnd: Dec 6 sc evenly around. Stuff arms and body firmly and continue decreas­ing 6 sc on each rnd until all sc's have been worked off. Break off. Sew Head to Body.

FOOT … Work as for Hand.

LEG … Work as for Arm until piece measures 5¾ inches from first rnd at end of foot. Break off. With Mid Rose, work foot-pad same as for Palm. Make a toe same as for thumb. Sew in place. Complete another leg the same way. Stuff Legs firmly and sew to side of Body.

TAIL … Starting at tip with White, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc around, increas­ing 3 sc evenly around. Repeat 2nd rnd until there are 15 sc on rnd. Work without increasing until piece meas­ures 10 inches in all. Break off. Stuff firmly and sew in place.

EAR (Make 2) … Starting at center with Mid Rose, ch 5. 1st row: Half dc in 3rd ch from hook, half dc in next ch, 5 half dc in last ch; working across opposite side of starting chain, make half dc in next 2 ch. Ch 2, turn. 2nd row: Half dc in first 3 half dc, 3 half dc in next half dc, half dc in next half dc, 3 half dc in next half dc, half dc in last 3 half dc. Ch 2, turn. 3rd row: Half dc in each st around, making 3 half dc in center st of each 3-half dc group at rounded end. Break off. With White make another piece the same way. Sew the 2 pieces together. Sew straight edges of Ears to Head.

BALL … With Aqua, ch 2. 1st to 4th rnds incl: Work as for Head. 5th to 8th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around. 9th rnd: Dec 5 sc evenly around. Stuff firmly and continue to dec 5 sc evenly on each rnd until all sc's have been worked off. Break off, leaving a 5-inch length of thread. Sew end of thread to palm of hand.
   With Black, embroider nostrils. With Mid Rose, embroider eyelashes at edge of nose. Sew buttons in place for eyes. Cut a mouth from red felt and sew in place. Tie ribbon around neck in a bow.