Tartan Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern #S-400

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Tartan Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern

Place Mat measures 12 x 17¾ inches (including fringe)

J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 2 balls each of No. 1 White and No. 126 Spanish Red; or
CLARK'S O.N.T. MERCERIZED BEDSPREAD COTTON, Art. B.504, colors of your own choice.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

GAUGE: 5 sps make 1 inch; 4 rows make 1 inch.

PLACE MAT … Starting at narrow end with White, ch 124. 1st row: Dc in 6th ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch. Repeat from * across. Ch 4, turn (60 sps). 2nd and 3rd rows: Skip first dc, * dc in next dc, ch 1. Repeat from * across, ending with dc in last dc, ch 1, skip 1 ch, dc in next ch. Ch 4, turn. At end of 3rd row, break off White, attach Red. Ch 4, turn. 4th, 5th and 6th rows: Repeat 2nd row. At end of 6th row, break off Red, attach White. Ch 4, turn. Work in pattern, alternating 3 rows of White and 3 rows of Red, until 63 rows (21 sections) have been completed.

WEAVING … Cut 4 strands of Red, each 22 inches long. Weave these strands through first row of sps on long side of mat, leaving an even amount free at both ends to make fringe. Cut 4 more strands of Red and weave through same row of sps, going under rows that were passed over previously. Weave Red through next 3 rows the same way. Weave White through next 4 rows. Continue in this manner until all sps have been filled. Knot ends and trim fringe evenly. Block to measurements.

GLASS JACKETBottom … Starting at center with Red, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * 2 sc in next sc (1 sc increased), sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Inc 6 sc evenly on each rnd until piece measures same as bottom of glass. Join and break off.

Side Piece … Starting at long side with White, make a chain slightly longer than outer edge of glass. Work as for Place Mat until piece reaches around glass, having a number of sps divisible by 8. Cut off remain­ing chain. Continue to work as for Place Mat until there are 2 White and 2 Red stripes.

WEAVING … Cut 4 strands of Red, each 45 inches long. Weave these strands through first row of sps along narrow end, then work back through same row of sps. Continue in this manner until 4 rows of sps have been completed. Cut 4 more strands of White and work as before. Weave Red through next 4 rows the same way. Weave White through next 4 rows. Continue in this manner until all sps have been filled.
   Sew narrow ends together and sew to bottom.