Sophisticate Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern #S-403

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Sophisticate Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern

Place Mat measures 14 x 19 inches

J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 2 balls of No. 64 Platinum; or
CLARK'S O.N.T. MERCERIZED BEDSPREAD COTTON, Art. B.504, color of your own choice; and
J. & P. COATS RAYON CROCHET, Art. A.73: 4 balls of No. 1 White.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

PLACE MAT … Starting at long side with Platinum, make a chain 24 inches long. Work as for Tweed Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern until row measures 17 inches. Continue to work as for Tweed Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern until piece measures 14 inches. Break off.
   With a double strand of White make a chain 3 yards long. Break off. Weave the chain through first row of sps on long side of mat, then back through sps
on 2nd row, working under sps that were worked over previously. Continue in this manner until chain is all used up, then attach thread to last st of chain and make another piece 3 yards long. Continue in this manner until all sps have been filled. Sew ends securely. Block to measurements.

FRINGE … Attach a double strand of White to narrow edge, sc in first sp, * ch 12, sc in same sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * across. Break off. Complete other end to correspond.

GLASS JACKETBottom … Work as for No. Tartan Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern. Do not break off.

Side Piece … Work as for Tweed Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern until 18 rnds have been completed. Make a White chain and weave as before. Sew ends securely.