Navajo Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern #S-404

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Navajo Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern

Place Mat measures 13 x 19 inches

J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN," Art. A.64: 3 balls of No. 131 Fudge Brown and 1 ball each of No. 123-A Flamingo and No. 64 Platinum; or
CLARK'S O.N.T. MERCERIZED BEDSPREAD COTTON, Art. B.504, colors of your own choice.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

GAUGE: 3 shells make 1¼ inches; 5 rows make 1 inch.

PLACE MAT … Starting at long side with Fudge Brown, make a chain 20 inches long. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, ch 2, 2 dc in same ch (shell made), * skip 3 ch, in next ch make sc, ch 2 and 2 dc (another shell made). Repeat from * until row measures 17 inches, ending with sc. Cut off remaining chain. Drop Fudge Brown, turn. 2nd row: Attach Flamingo to first sc, shell in same sc, * sc in ch-2 of next shell, ch 2, 2 dc in same place (shell made over shell). Repeat from * across, ending with sc in ch-2 of last shell. Drop Flamingo, turn. 3rd row: Attach Platinum to first sc and work as for last row. Drop Platinum, turn. Work in pattern, alternating 1 row each of Fudge Brown, Flamingo and Platinum until piece measures 11 inches, ending with a Brown row. Break off Platinum and Flamingo.

BORDER1st rnd: With Fudge Brown, sc closely around, making 3 sc in each corner. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc, making 3 sc in center sc of each 3-sc group. Repeat 2nd rnd until Border measures 1 inch all around. At end of last rnd, join and break off. Block to measurements.

GLASS JACKETBottom … Work as for Tartan Place Mat & Glass Jacket Pattern.

Side Piece … Starting at short side with Brown, ch 20. 1st row: Work as for Place Mat (6 shells on row). Drop Brown, turn. Attach Flamingo and con­tinue to work in pattern, changing colors as before, until piece reaches around glass, ending with a Platinum stripe. Break off. Sew ends together. Attach Brown to one end and sc closely around. Join and break off. Sew this end to bottom.

BORDER 1st rnd: Attach Brown to top and sc closely around. Join. 2nd to 5th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around. Join. Break off at end of 5th rnd.