So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
So reminiscent of the days when Grandmother was a bride
Socks - Gloves and Mittenss
Volume No. 52
Fashions in Wool
Styled by Hilde
Original Copyright 1946
Twenty-six easy to knit and crochet socks, mittens and gloves.
1 ball Sock wool 3 fold (1 oz. ball) Light color
1 ball Sock wool 3 fold (1 oz. ball) Dark color
1 bone crochet hook Size 3
1 ball Sport yarn (2 oz. ball)
1 ball Sock yarn (1 oz. ball) contrasting color for trimming
1 bone crochet hook Size 3