Marilyn Doll Pattern #255

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Yarn: 1-ounce of Pompadour, Nylon or Sport yarn
CROCHET HOOK: 1-bone #3
8-inch Character Doll
RIBBON: 3-yds. of ½-inch Satin
1-yd. 3-inch

DRESS: Starting at the neck edge, make a chain of 18 sts, turn, 1 d c in 4th st from hook, 2 d c in each of the remaining chain sts (30 sts). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: 1 d c in each of the next 5 sts, ch 1, skip 3 sts, 1 d c in each of the next 12 sts, ch 1, skip 3 sts, 1 d c in next 5 sts, 1 d c in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. 3rd and 4th rows: 1 d c in each st across row. SKIRT: Continuing on the same piece and pulling up the sts an inch long throughout the remainder of the skirt. 1st round: Ch 5, 2 d c in each stitch across row. Join with a slip st to 4th st of ch-5. 2nd round: Ch 5, and repeat 1st round, working through the back loops of the sts on the row below. 3rd round: Ch 5, 1 d c in each st around, working through the back loops of the sts on the row below; join with a slip st. 4th-5th-6th rounds: Repeat 3rd round. Break yarn and fasten off. SLEEVES: With the right side of the work facing you, tie yarn in at the lower end of armhole. Chain 3 and make 13 d c around armhole; join round. Break yarn and fasten off. Make the other sleeve the same way.

HAT: Chain 23 sts, 1 d c in 3rd st from hook; 2 d c in next 6 sts; pulling up the loops an inch long—make 2 d c in next 7 sts; 2 d c in next 7 sts. Break yarn, leaving 5-inches. Sew up back of bonnet.

PANTIES: Chain 19 sts, 1 d c in 3rd st from hook; 2 d c in each of the remaining chain sts. Ch 3, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: Make 1 d c in each st across row. Break yarn, leaving 5-inches to sew with. Sew panties onto doll. Break yarn. Through the center of the crotch catch the two pieces together.

BOUQUET: Chain 3 sts, join with a slip st to form a ring. Ch 3, make 15 d c into ring. Join with a slip st. Break yarn. Sew a tiny flower into center and tie onto hand.

FINISHING: On the 1st, 3rd and 6th rounds run the ribbon in and out of the stitches, as in illustration. Run a piece of ribbon through at the waist line and tie in a bow at the front. Gather 3-inch ribbon to fit waist.