There are slight variations to materials and instructions between these two versions of the same pattern in different publications. Two versions are below.
Materials Required:
1 skein White & 2 yds. Yellow for hair will make 2 Angels and
“STAR” RAYON, Article 300
2 skeins Dk. Orange.
1 skein each Red, Blue and Black.
Steel crochet hook No. 5
Directions are given for rug yarn. Wool directions are given in brackets.
BODY: Wind White over 4 inch cardboard 66 (76) times, tie with an 8 inch length at one end for top of head. Wind around about 8 times and tie securely about ¾ inch from top of head for neck. With Rayon, wind around 8 times about 1 inch from neck for waist. Cut and trim loops at lower edge for skirt.
ARMS: Wind White over 4 inch cardboard 20 (22) times. With Rayon wind 4 times about ¼ inch from each end for hands, insert through center of body, cut and trim each end for hands.
Cut 7 – 4 inch strands of Yellow, attach to top of head for hair and tie at each end with Rayon.
HALO: With Rayon, ch 26 (22), 1 s c in 2nd st from hook, 1 s c in each of the next 4 (3) sts of ch, 1 s d c in each of the next 15 (13) sts of ch (s d c: yarn over hook, insert in st, pull through, yarn over and work off all loops at one time), 1 s c in each remaining st of ch, cut yarn. Embroider eyes in Blue, work eye lashes and nose in Black and mouth in Red.
Sew Halo to head. If desired brush dress and sleeves with glue and sprinkle with tiny sequins or artificial snow.
2 — ⅓ ounce skeins White
1 — ⅓ ounce skein Scarlet
2 yards Amber and
1 skein each Black, Bright Red, Marine Blue and Dk. Orange
2½ inches x 3 inches Red felt for Santa Claus Cap
2¾ inches x 2¾ inches Black felt for Jack Frost Hat
ANGEL: With White make body and arms same as for Santa Claus. Tie top of head and neck with White. Tie arms and waist with Dk. Orange. Do not divide remaining section in half but cut and trim lower edge for skirt.
Hair: Cut 7 — 4 inch strands of Amber. Sew to top of head and tie at each end with Dk. Orange.
Halo: With Dk. Orange chain (ch) 22, 1 single crochet (sc) in 2nd stitch (st) from hook, 1 sc in each of the next 3 sts of ch, 1 short double crochet (sdc) in each of the next 13 sts of ch (sdc: thread over hook, insert in st, pull loop through, thread over and work off all loops at one time), 1 sc in each remaining st of ch, join, cut thread. Embroider eyes in Blue, eye lashes and nose in Black and mouth in Red. Sew Halo to head.
If desired brush dress and sleeves with glue and sprinkle with tiny sequins.
Christmas Doll with Blue Dress Pattern
Christmas Doll with Red Dress Pattern
Christmas Tree Pattern
Poinsettia Pattern
Loop Stitch Dog Pattern
Snowman Pattern
Holly Wreath Ornament Pattern
Angel Ornament Pattern
Jack Frost Ornament Pattern
Santa Ornament Pattern
Snowflake Ornament Pattern
Star Ornament Pattern
Candy Cane Ornament Pattern
Christmas Bells Ornament Pattern
Christmas Stocking Pattern