Braided Cuddle Doll Pattern #5324

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Braided Cuddle Doll Pattern #5324

1—1 oz. Skeins White, Pink or Lt. Blue.
About 2 yds. Contrasting Wool or Ribbon for Trim.

Open skein, cut both ends, remove 14 lengths. (12 lengths to be used for arms, 2 lengths to tie with.) Fold the remainder of skeins so as the cut ends meet. Tie tightly about 1 inch from uncut end for hair. Tie again about 1¾ inches from last tie for head. Tie about 2 inches from last tie for body. Separate the remainder using half for each leg. Separate each half into 3 sections and braid. Tie tightly about 1 inch from end and trim. Fold arm lengths so cut ends meet. Tie about 1 inch from uncut end, separate into 3 strands and braid for length desired for arms. Tie opposite end and trim both ends, draw arms through body and sew at inside of body. Trim and brush hair. Mouth—Tie a small piece of Red over 3 strands of wool. Eyes are tied over 2 strands. Trim with ribbon or contrasting wool. If loop is desired tie a strand of wool under hair having loop at back.