Kitchen Crochet | Book No. 304 | Coats & Clark's O.N.T.

Kitchen Crochet | Book No. 304 | Coats & Clark's O.N.T.

Kitchen Crochet
Book No. 304
J. & P. Coats ⋅ Clark's O.N.T.
Original Copyright 1954

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Patterns Included: 

Cafe Curtain, Kitchen Set, Crocheted Basket, Towel Edging & Pot Holder Sets, Place Mat & Hot Plate Mat Sets, Bottle Cap Hot Plate Mat, Bone Ring Place Mat, Daisy Shade Pull, Tassel Shade Pull, Grape Shade Pull, Floral Shade Pull, Curtain Pin Backs, Corn Lamp Pull, 3-Ring Lamp Pull, Floral Lamp Pull, Chevron Pot Holder, Clock Pot Holder, Kitchen Rug, Pan Handle Cover, Butterfly Pot Holder, Oven Mitt, Flower-pot Pot Holder.

The Heart of the Home

In this machine age, our kitchens gleam with the enamel and chromium of labor-saving de­vices. Naturally, we appreciate our mechanical helpers, but sometimes our thoughts turn nos­talgically to the cozy kitchens of our mothers and grandmothers, full of love and warmth and laughter. To bring this happy, welcoming atmosphere into our homes, we can take advantage of the extra time our machines give us to create in crochet the little touches of loving handwork that make our kitchens truly the hearts of our homes!