Tatted Luncheon Set Pattern #7081

Tatted Luncheon Set Pattern #7081

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (4 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 50, White or Ecru. This amount is sufficient for the three doilies.

Tatting Corner Pattern #8173

Tatting Corner Pattern #8173

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 30, 1 ball, and two shuttles.

Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern #854

Lacy Medallion Antimacassar Pattern #854

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, 3 balls of size 20. 1 shuttle.

Tatted Flattering Collar Pattern #2284

Tatted Flattering Collar Pattern #2284

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet, size 60, 1 ball.
A shuttle.

Tatting Edging Patterns #8140, #8142

Tatting Edging Patterns #8140, #8142

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


No. 8140: Use one shuttle and a ball of thread.

Tatting Medallion Patterns #8175, #8176, #8180

Tatting Medallion Patterns #8175, #8176, #8180

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


Tatting Medallion Patterns #8179, #8178, #8157, #8169

Tatting Medallion Patterns #8179, #8178, #8157, #8169

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


Tatting Medallion Patterns #8171, #8172, #8148

Tatting Medallion Patterns #8171, #8172, #8148

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


No. 8171: Use one shuttle and a ball of thread.

Tatting Edging Patterns #8145, #8132, #861, #8123

Tatting Edging Patterns #8145, #8132, #861, #8123

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


Tatting Edging Patterns #8122, #8139, #8124, #8127

Tatting Edging Patterns #8122, #8139, #8124, #8127

The following instructions were found in Spool Cotton #111, Tatting Book.


No. 8139: Use one shuttle and a ball of thread.

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