Starting at base, ch 21. 1st row: D c in 6th ch from hook, * ch 2, skip 2 ch, d c in next ch. Repeat from * 4 more times. Ch 1, turn.
Starting at center, ch 15, join with sl st. 1st rnd: Working over a cord (or 4 strands of same thread), make 27 s c in ring.
Pot Holders
Book No. 196
The Spool Cotton Company
J. & P. Coats ⋅ Clark's O.N.T.
Original Copyright 1943
A new crop of bright Pot Holders! Kitchen is king of your household these days. Pot Holders are mighty important why not make them conversation pieces? Come out of the Kitchen!
Ch 8, join with sl st. The 1st 6 rnds are worked over a cord (or 4 strands of same thread). 1st rnd: 18 s c in ring.
1st row: Ch 72, turn; sl st in 16th ch from hook, turn.
Starting at center, ch 8, join with sl st. 1st rnd: 12 s c in ring; join.
1st row: * Ch 10; in 5th ch from hook make s c, ch 4, s c, ch 4, s c. Repeat from * for desired length. Ch 5, turn.
Starting at center, ch 15, join with sl st. 1st rnd: 26 s c in ring. Join. 2nd rnd: Ch 4, * d c in next s c, ch 1. Repeat from * around.
To begin, ch 33. 1st row: D c in 7th ch from hook, * ch 2, skip 1 ch, d c in next ch. Repeat from * to within last 2 ch, ch 5, skip next ch, s c in last ch.