MATERIALS—BATH TOWEL AND HAND TOWEL—Lily SKYTONE Mercerized Crochet Cotton:—1-ball each Beauty Rose and Emerald Green; Lily Pearl Cotton size 5:—1-ball Black; Lily MERCROCHET Cotton size 20:—1-ball each Baby Pink, Beauty Rose. Hunter Green and Black (DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton may be substituted for Mercrochet if preferred).
WASHCLOTH—Lily Tatting Cotton 1-ball each Beauty Rose, Hunter Green, Baby Pink and Black. Crochet Hooks Nos. 7, 12 and 14. A Lt. Green bath towel, hand towel and washcloth.
BATH TOWEL—SKIRT—With Beauty Rose SKYTONE and No. 7 hook, ch 7, sc in 2d ch from hook, sc in each ch across. ROW 2—Ch 4, turn, dc in 1st sc, (ch 1, dc in next sc) 5 times, ch 1, dc in same end sc. ROW 3—Ch 4, turn, dc in 1st ch-1 sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 6 times, ch 1, dc in same end sp. ROW 4—Turn, sc in 1st ch-1 sp, (ch 5, sc in next 2 sps) repeated across with only 1 sc in end sp. Cut 3" long. ROW 5—Turn, sl st in Green SKYTONE in 1st sc, (6 sc in next lp, sl st in 1st sc between lps) repeated across to end sc. Cut 3" long. ROW 6—Without turning and picking up back lps only, sl st in Rose in 3d sc on 1st lp at start of last row, ch 4, dc in next sc, ch 1, dc in next, * ch 1, dc in 2d sc on next lp, (ch 1, dc in next sc) 3 times. Repeat from * once. Ch 1, dc in 2d sc on next lp, (ch 1, dc in next sc) twice. ROW 7—Turn, sc in 1st sp, ch 4, dc in next sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 11 times. Repeat Row 4. ROW 9—Without turning, sl st in Green in 1st sc at start of last row, (6 sc in next lp, sl st in 2d sc between lps) repeated across to end sc. Cut 3" long. ROW 10—Without turning and picking up back lps only, sl st in Rose in 2d sc on 1st lp at start of last row, ** ch 4, dc in next sc, (ch 1, dc in next sc) twice, * ch 1, dc in 2d sc on next lp. (ch 1, dc in next sc) twice. Repeat from * 4 times. ROW 11—Ch 6, turn, tr in last ch-1 sp, (ch 1, tr in next sp) 17 times. Repeat Rows 4 and 9. ROW 14—Repeat Row 10 to **, ch 12, holding back the last lp of each tr on hook, make 2 tr in 6th ch from hook, thread over and draw thru all 3 lps on hook (Cluster made), ch 1, sc in 3d sc on next lp, * ch 6, a 2-tr Cluster in 6th ch from hook, ch 1, tr in 3d sc in next lp, ch 6, a 2-tr Cluster in 6th ch from hook, ch 1, sc in 3d sc in next lp. Repeat from * twice. Ch 6, a Cluster, ch 1, tr in 4th sc on end lp. ROW 15—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st tr, * ch 4, (tr, ch 4, tr) down in sc between Clusters, ch 4, sc in next tr. Repeat from * 3 times. ROW 16—Ch 1, turn, sc in sc, (4 sc in next sp, sc in tr, 5 sc in next sp, sc in tr, 4 sc in next sp) 4 times, sc in corner sc. Now work sc closely up side of skirt, working over ends left from previous rows, 2 sc in top corner, sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in corner and make sc closely down other side of skirt. Join to 1st sc. Fasten off. Edge—Sl st in Green in same sc, (ch 4, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc) twice, * ch 3, (dc, ch 5, dc) in center sc on next sp, ch 3, sk 3 sc, sc in next sc, ch 4, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc in angle, sc in next sc, ch 4, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * across to corner, ending with 2 ch-4 lps as at start. Fasten off.
BODICE—Join Rose to top of skirt, ch 3, dc in same sc, dc in next 4 sc, 2 dc in next sc. ROW 2—Ch 3, turn, 3 dc in 1st dc, dc in next 6 dc, 2 dc in end ch-3. ROW 3—Ch 3, turn, dc in 11 dc, 2 dc in end ch. ROW 4—Ch 3, turn, dc in 13 dc, dc in end ch. ROW 5—Ch 1, turn, sk 1st dc, sc in next 4 dc, hdc in next 5 dc, ch 11, turn, sk last 7 hdc and sc, sl st in next sc, ch 1, turn, 12 sc in lp, dc in next dc, (dc in next 3 dc) made into a Cluster. Fasten off. Frill—With Green, (ch 5, hdc in 5th ch from hook) 4 times. ROW 2—Ch 5, turn, (sc, ch 5, sc) in 1st lp, * ch 5, (sc, ch 5, sc) in next lp. Repeat from * twice. Ch 5, sl st in starting st of last row. Fasten off. Sew across top of Bodice.
BELT—With Green, ch 50. Fasten off. Sew across waist with a bow at back.
ARM—With Baby Pink MERCROCHET and No. 12 hook, ch 44, sk 4 ch, (dc in next 7 ch, dc in next 2 ch made into a Cluster-decrease) 3 times, hdc in next 6 ch, sc in 6 ch, sl st in end ch. ROW 2—Ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc in next st, hdc in next, dc in 2 sts, hdc in next st, sc in 10 sts, hdc in 6 sts, (dc in next 2 dc made into a Cluster-decrease, dc in next 5 dc) twice. Fasten off. Turn over and sew large end under shoulder strap.
NECK—With Baby Pink MERCROCHET ch 7, sc in 2d ch from hook, sc in each ch across. ROW 2—Ch 3, turn, dc in 6 sc. ROW 3—Ch 1, turn, sc in 6 dc. ROW 4—Ch 3, turn, 3 dc in 1st sc, dc in next 4 sc, 3 dc in end sc. ROW 5—Ch 3, turn, 3 dc in 1st dc, dc in next 8 dc, 4 tr in end dc. ROW 6—Ch 3, turn, 2 dc in 1st tr, dc in next 13 sts, 2 dc in end dc. Fasten off. Sew under top of Bodice.
BONNET—Crown—With Rose, ch 11, dc in 5th ch from hook, dc in next 5 ch, 2 dc in end ch. ROW 2—Ch 1, turn, sc in 9 sts. Repeat once, then drop but do not cut. Brim—Turn, sc in Green in 1st sc, (ch 1, hdc in next sc) twice, (ch 1, dc in next sc) 3 times, (ch 1, tr in next sc) 3 times, ch 1, tr in same end sc. ROW 2—Ch 6, turn, tr in 1st ch-1 sp, (ch 1, tr) twice in next sp, (ch 1, dc) twice in next sp, (ch 1, dc in next sp) twice, (ch 1, hdc in next sp) twice, (ch 1, sc in next sp) twice. ROW 3—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st sp, (ch 1, hdc in next sp) twice, (ch 1, dc in next sp) 5 times, (ch 1, dc) twice in each of next 3 sps. Fasten off. ROW 4—Pick up Rose, (ch 1, sc in next sp) 3 times, (ch 2, sc in next sp) 3 times, (ch 3, sc in next sp) repeated to corner. Fasten off. Turn over and sew over top of Neck. Bow—In Green, ch 65. Fasten off. Sew on back of Bonnet in a bow with long ends.
SCOTTIE—With Black Pearl Cotton and No. 7 hook, ch 13, sk 2 ch, sl st in next 2 ch, sc in next, hdc in 2 ch, dc in 3 ch, hdc in 2 ch, sc in end ch. ROW 2—Ch 1, turn, sc in last 7 sts. Repeat 9 times. ROW 12—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st 6 sc. ROW 13—Ch 1, turn, sk 1st sc, sc in next 5 sc. ROW 14—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st 4 sc. Ch 1, sc in same sc, work 4 sc across ends of last 3 rows. ROW 15—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st 5 sc. ROW 16—Ch 5, turn, sk 2 ch, sc in next 3 ch, sc in next 5 sc. ROW 17—Ch 1, turn, sc in 8 sc. Repeat twice. ROW 20—Ch 3, turn, sl st in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc, sl st in next sc, ch 4, sc in next 3 sc, ch 5, sk 2 ch, sl st, sc and hdc on bal. of ch, sc in same sc on head, ch 5, sk 2 ch, sl st in next ch, sc in next, 2 hdc in next, sl st in next (end) sc on head. Fasten off. Legs—Turn and join to lower corner of body, * ch 5, sk 2 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, 2 hdc in next ch, sl st between next 2 ribs across bottom of body, ch 6, sk 2 ch, 4 hdc on bal. of ch, * sc between next 2 ribs on body, (ch 1, sc between next 2 ribs) 4 times. Repeat from * to *. Sc in corner of body, sl st in next st up end of body. Fasten off. With White sewing cotton make a French Knot for eye. Collar—In Rose, ch 50. Fasten off. Tie around neck in a bow. Leash—In Rose, ch 56. Fasten off. Sew to Collar and up to girl's hand. Make a 2d Scottie with Green Collar. For Leash, ch 70 in Green. Sew girl in center of one end of towel with 1st Scottie about in front and 2d behind girl.
HAND TOWEL—Repeat Skirt, Bodice, Belt, Bonnet and Scotties in MERCROCHET COTTON and No. 12 hook.
ARM—In Baby Pink MERCROCHET ch 34, sk 4 ch, (dc in next 4 ch, dc in next 2 ch made into a Cluster-decrease) 3 times, hdc in 4 ch, sc in 7 ch, sl st in end ch. ROW 2—Ch 1, turn, sk sl st, sc in next sc, hdc in 2 sc, sc in next sc, sl st in next 10 sts, sc in each remaining st. Fasten off. Turn over and sew large end under shoulder strap.
NECK—In Baby Pink, ch 5, sc in 2d ch from hook, sc in each ch across. ROW 2—Ch 3, turn, dc in 4 sc. ROW 3—Ch 1, turn, sc in 4 dc. ROW 4—Ch 3, turn, 3 dc in 1st sc, dc in next 2 sc, 3 dc in end sc. ROW 5—Ch 3, turn, 2 dc in 1st dc, dc in next 6 dc, 3 tr in end dc. ROW 6—Ch 1, turn, sc in 11 sts. Fasten off. Turn over and sew under top of Bodice.
Sew all motifs on towel.
WASHCLOTH—Repeat Girl and one Scottie in Tatting Cotton with No. 14 hook. In Tatting Cotton repeat Arm and Neck for Hand Towel. Sew motifs on one corner as in illustration. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.