Diamond Tile Rug Pattern

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Diamond Tile Rug Pattern

Materials Required: 1 STAR Rug Foundation No. 505

If you use
STAR Rug Yarn, Article 44
3 skeins Wine No. 57
3 skeins Light Green No. 37
2 skeins Dark Rose No. 35
13 skeins Cream No.3

If you use
AUNT LYDIA Heavy Rug Yarn, Article 235
2 skeins Wine No. 257
2 skeins Light Green No. 237
1 skein Dark Rose No. 235
8 skeins Cream No. 23

If you use
STAR Cotton Yarn, Article 75
3 skeins Wine No. 57
3 skeins Light Green No. 37
2 skeins Old Rose No. 34
12 skeins Cream No. 3

and 3 Spools of AUNT LYDIA Carpet and Button Thread

Before assembling a rug you must first have the "Know-How" for making tufts. For easy direc­tions turn to the pattern book page.

All rug foundations are designed with dots onto which a colored tuft of Star Rug Yarn or Aunt Lydia Heavy Rug Yarn should be sewn with Aunt Lydia Carpet and Button Thread.

The colors you choose will make it adaptable for modern or traditional rooms.

White, Grey, Red and Black, stunning for mod­ern—Wine, Light Green, Dark Rose and Cream exactly right for colonial.

ROOM SIZE RUG — 18 of these 24" x 36" foundations, sewn together, will make a room size rug 9 feet wide by 12 feet long or for a smaller rug sew 9 of these together for a 6 x 9 rug.

Diamond Tile Rug Pattern Chart