Viola Cornuta Doily Pattern #FD-447

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Viola Cornuta Doily Pattern

Choose any one of the
J. & P. Coats or Clark’s O.N.T. “Boilfast” Threads listed:
Number of Balls
Steel Hook
Approximate Size

Article B.34, Size 20

2 No. 169 Yellow & Lavender
1 No. 26-B Bright Nile Green
1 No. 48 Hunter’s Green

No. 9
14½ x 40 inches

Article B.34, Size 30

No. 10
13 x 36 inches

Article A.104, Size 30

2 No. 18 Shaded Lavenders
1 No. 26-B Bright Nile Green
1 no. 48 Hunter’s Green

Other Materials Required: ½ yard lavender organdy, 36 inches wide.

FIRST FLOWER MOTIF — First Flower Starting at center with Yellow and Lavender, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: (Ch 4, 5 tr in ring, ch 4, sl st in ring) 5 times. 2nd rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch, * ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr, make tr in next 5 tr, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made), ch 5, sl st in tip of cluster (picot made), ch 4, sl st in top of chain on previous rnd on same petal, ch 7, sl st in top of chain on next petal. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

SECOND FLOWER Work as for First Flower until 1st rnd is com­pleted. 2nd rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch, ch 4, make a 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr, ch 2, sl st in any picot on First Flower, ch 2, sl st in tip of cluster on Second Flower, ch 4, sl st in top of chain on previous rnd on same petal. Complete rnd as for First Flower, no more joinings. Make 4 more Flowers in same way, joining as before, leaving 2 petals free on outer edge of Motif and 1 petal free on inner edge. Join last Flower to First Flower.

FILL-IN-MOTIF Starting at center with Hunter's Green, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Sc in ring, ch 8, sl st in picot on any petal on inner edge, * sc in first ch, half dc in next ch, dc in next 3 ch, half dc in next ch, sc in next ch, sc in ring; ch 12, sl st in next loop on same Flower, ch 5, sl st in next loop on next Flower, ch 5, skip next 5 ch of ch-12, sc in next ch, half dc in next ch, dc in next 3 ch, half dc in next ch, sc in next ch, sc in ring, ch 8, sl st in next picot on same Flower as last joining. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

SECOND FLOWER MOTIF … Make 4 Flowers joining as before.

NEXT FLOWER Work as for 1st rnd of Flower. 2nd rnd: Sl st in next 4 ch, ch 4, make a 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr, ch 2, sl st in picot on previous Flower (leaving 1 petal free on inner edge as before), ch 2, sl st in tip of cluster, ch 4, sl st in top of next ch, ch 7, sl st in top of ch on next petal, ch 4, 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr, picot, ch 4, sl st in top of next ch, ch 7, sl st in top of next ch, 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr, ch 2, sl st in next picot following joining on any Flower on First Flower Motif, ch 2, sl st in tip of cluster. Complete rnd, no more joinings.

FOLLOWING FLOWER Work as for 1st rnd of Flower. 2nd rnd: Work as before, joining first 2 petals to preceding Flower and to adjacent picot on First Flower Motif. Complete rnd, joining to First Flower of motif in work as before, leaving 1 petal free on inner edge. Work Fill-In-Motif as before.

Make another Flower Motif in same way, joining to Second Flower Motif as Second Flower Motif was joined to First Flower Motif, leaving 2 picots free on Second Flower Motif to form curve. Attach Nile Green to joining between Second and Third Flowers on outer edge, sc in same place, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, in next picot make sc, ch 5 and sc; ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, sc in next joining, (ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, in next picot make sc, ch 5 and sc) twice; ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, sc in next joining. Work in pattern around remaining Flowers. Join and break off.
Make 3 more Motifs for other end of Runner in same way.

Make 20 single Flowers for sides of Runner. Attach Nile Green to any picot on single Flower, sc in same place, ch 2, sl st in 5th free ch-5 loop on First Flower Motif, ch 2, sc in same picot on single Flower, ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, in next picot make sc, ch 5 and sc. Complete rnd. Join and break off. Complete other Flowers in same manner, joining to preceding Flower as before, leaving 2 ch-5 loops free on inner edge until 10 single Flowers have been joined. Join last single Flower to other end Motif as First Flower was joined. Complete other side to correspond.

EDGING Attach Hunter's Green to first ch-7 loop on first single motif following Flower Motif, 7 sc in same loop, 7 sc in next loop, * sc in next ch-5 loop, (in same loop make ch 4, 2 tr, ch 4 and sc) twice; 7 sc in each of the next ch-7 loops, sc in next ch-5 loop, ch 4, tr in same loop, tr in next ch-5 loop, ch 4, sc in same loop, 7 sc in next 2 loops. Repeat from * 10 times; ch 4, tr in same loop as last 7 sc was made, tr in next loop, ch 4, 7 sc in same loop, 7 sc in next loop, sc in next ch-5 loop, (in same loop make ch 4, 2 tr, ch 4 and sc) twice; 7 sc in each of the next 2 loops, sc in next ch-5 loop, (in same loop make ch 4, 2 tr, ch 4 and sc) twice; 7 sc in each of the next 2 loops, ch 4, tr in same loop as last 7 sc was made, tr in next loop, ch 4, 7 sc in next 2 loops. Con­tinue to work in pattern around edge. Join and break off.

Pin Motifs in place on organdy, trace around inner edges. Cut organdy, leaving ¼ inch hem. Roll edges and sew in place. Attach Nile Green and sc closely around. Join and break off. Sew Motifs neatly in place. Starch lightly and press.