Zodiac Handkerchief Edging Pattern #S-147

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Zodiac Handkerchief Edging Pattern

J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, Art. A.21, Size 70: 3 balls of White and 1 ball of No. 43 Dk. Yellow.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.
A rolled edge handkerchief, 13½ inches square.

FIRST STAR … Starting at center with White, ch 8. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 24 dc in ring. Join to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 4, hold­ing back on hook the last loop of each tr, make tr in next 4 dc, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (cluster made); ch 3, sl st in tip of cluster (picot made), ch 4, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join to first sc made.

SECOND STAR … Work as for first rnd of First Star. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, ch 4, cluster over next 4 dc, ch 1, sl st in any picot on First Star, ch 1, sl st in tip of cluster on Second Star, ch 4, sc in next dc. Complete rnd as for First Star (no more joinings).
   Make necessary number of Stars to reach around outer edges of hand­kerchief, allowing for corners and join­ing each Star as Second Star was joined to First Star, leaving 1 point free on inner side and 2 points free on outer side. Join last Star to First Star.

HEADING … Attach Dk. Yellow to picot on inner side of any star. 1st rnd: Sc in same place, * ch 9, d tr in next sc on same star, d tr in next sc on next star, ch 9, sc on next picot. Repeat from * across until piece measures same as side, ending with sc in picot.

To form corner: Sc in next picot on next 2 stars, ch 9 and complete rnd, forming remaining corners the same way. Join to first sc. 2nd rnd: Sl st to center of next sp, ch 10, * tr in next sp, ch 6. Repeat from * across side, ending with tr in last sp preced­ing corner. Ch 4, skip next sc, tr in next sc, ch 4, tr in next sp and com­plete rnd, forming other corners as before. Join with sl st to 4th ch of ch-10. Break off.
   Sew Edging to handkerchief.