Tank Cover and Towel Set Pattern #S-149

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Tank Cover and Towel Set Pattern

J. & P. COATS BEST SIX CORD MER­CERIZED CROCHET, Art. A.104, Size 30: 2 balls of No. 49 Chartreuse Green and 1 ball each of White and No. 123-A Flamingo; or
Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Art. B.4, Size 30: 5 balls of main color and 2 balls each of 1 contrasting color and White; or
Clark's Big Ball Mercerized Crochet, Art. B.34, Size 30: 2 balls of No. 49 Chartreuse Green and 1 ball each of White and No. 123-A Flamingo.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
2 white huck towels.

GAUGE: Each motif measures 4¾ inches in diameter.

GUEST TOWEL MOTIF (Make 3)FLOWERCenter Petal … Start­ing at center with Flamingo, ch 6. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 17 dc in ring. Join to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, sc in each dc around. Join. 3rd rnd: Sc in each sc around. Join and break off.

SECOND PETAL … Work as for Center Petal until 2 rnds have been completed. 3rd rnd: Sc in first sc, sl st in any sc on Center Petal, sc in next sc on Second Petal. Complete rnd as for Center Petal (no more joinings).

THIRD PETAL … Work as for Center Petal until 2 rnds have been completed. 3rd rnd: Sc in first sc, skip 2 sc on Center Petal following last joining, sl st in next sc, sc in next 3 sc on Third Petal, skip 2 sc on Second Petal, sl st in next sc, sc in next sc on Third Petal. Complete rnd as for Center Petal (no more joinings).
    Make 4 more petals, joining them to Center Petal and previous petal as Third Petal was joined. Join last petal to Second Petal, leaving 2 sc free on each petal between joinings.
    Now work around Flower as fol­lows: Skip 4 sc following joining on any petal. Attach Chartreuse Green to next sc. 1st rnd: Sc in same sc and in next 2 sc, * ch 11, skip 4 sc on next petal, sc in next 3 sc. Repeat from * around. Join. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip next sc, sc in next sc, in next loop make sc, half dc, dc, 2 tr and dc; ch 2, in same loop make 5 d tr, ch 2, dc, 2 tr, dc, half dc and sc, sc in next sc (triple scallop made). Repeat from * around. Join and break off. 3rd rnd: Attach White to center d tr of any scallop, sc in same place, * ch 9, sc in 2nd tr of next section of same scallop, ch 6, sc in next ch-5 loop, ch 6, sc in first tr of first section of next scallop, ch 9, sc in center d tr of next section of same scallop. Repeat from * around. Join. 4th rnd: Sl st to center of next loop, ch 6, dc in same loop, * ch 7, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr, make tr in each of next 2 loops, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (joint-tr made), ch 7, in next loop make dc, ch 3 and dc; ch 5, in next loop make dc, ch 3 and dc. Re­peat from * around. Join to 3rd ch of ch-6. 5th rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * 3 sc in next sp, sc in next dc, 7 sc in next sp, sc in next joint-tr, 7 sc in next sp, sc in next dc, 3 sc in next sp, sc in next dc, 7 sc in next sp (corner), sc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 6th rnd: Ch 3, * (skip next 3 sc, in next sc make dc, ch 2 and dc) 6 times; skip next 3 sc, in next sc make (dc, ch 2) twice and dc; (skip next 3 sc, in next sc make dc, ch 2 and dc) 7 times. Repeat from * around, ending with dc in same place as start­ing chain, ch 2, sl st in top of starting chain. Join and break off. 7th rnd: Attach Flamingo to any ch-2 sp, 2 sc in same sp, * sc in next 2 dc, 2 sc in next sp. Repeat from * around, making 3 sc in center dc at each corner. Join and break off. 8th rnd: Attach Char­treuse Green to center sc of any 3-sc group, ch 4, in same sc make dc, ch 1 and dc; * (ch 1, skip 1 sc, dc in next sc) 18 times; ch 1, in center sc of next 3-sc group make (dc, ch 1) twice and dc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
    Pin motifs in place on towel, hav­ing equal spaces on each end and be­tween motifs. Cut away material in back of motifs, leaving ⅛ inch free for hem. Sew hem neatly in place. Attach Chartreuse to edge of towel and sc closely across. Break off. Sew motifs in place, joining center dc of each point to edge of towel.

EDGING1st row: Attach Chartreuse to first sc on towel, ch 3, skip 4 sc, in next sc make (tr, ch 3) 3 times and tr (shell made); skip 4 sc, dc in next sc, shell in last free sc, * skip 2 sps on motif, dc in next sp, skip 3 sps, shell in next dc, skip 4 sps, dc in next sp, skip 4 sps, shell in next dc, skip 3 sps, dc in next sp, skip 2 sps, shell in next dc. Repeat from * across motif, ending with shell in first free sc on towel. Mark off center sc between motifs, dc in center sc be­tween motif and marker, shell in marker, dc between shell and last free sc, shell in last free sc. Complete other motifs and space between motifs the same way. Complete last sp to cor­respond with first sp, ending with dc in last sc. Break off. 2nd row: Attach Chartreuse to first sp, in same sp make sc, ch 3 and sc; * (ch 2, in next sp make sc, ch 3 and sc) 3 times; ch 2, sc in next dc. Repeat from * across. Break off. Now work Edging on op­posite end as follows: 1st row: Attach Chartreuse to opposite end of towel, sc closely across. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: * Skip 4 sc, shell in next sc, skip 4 sc, dc in next sc. Repeat from * across. Turn. 3rd row: Repeat 2nd tow of opposite end. Break off.

TANK COVER … Make 2 motifs as before. Cut a piece of towel 6 x 15½ inches. Pin a motif on each end of material. Cut out material in back of motifs, leaving ⅛ inch for hem. Sew hem neatly in place. With Char­treuse sc closely around. Join and break off. Sew motifs neatly in place. Work Edging around cover and motifs as be­fore. Join and break off.
   Starch Tank Cover lightly and press.