MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30: Small Ball: J. & P. Coats—4 balls of White or Ecru, or 6 balls of any color, or Clark's O.N.T.—6 balls of White or Ecru, or 8 balls of any color … Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.
Doily measures 12 Inches Square.
GAUGE: Each motif measures 3¾ inches square.
FIRST MOTIF … Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr, make 2 tr in ring, thread over and draw through all 3 loops on hook (cluster made), * ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop of each tr, make 3 tr in ring, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (another cluster made). Repeat from * until 8 clusters in all are made; ch 4, sl st in tip of first cluster made. 2nd rnd: Sl st in next ch, sc in sp, ch 4, 2 tr in same sp as last sc, * ch 4, 5 tr in next sp, ch 4, 3 tr in next sp. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, sl st in 4th st of ch-4 first made. 3rd rnd: Ch 3, dc in same place as sl st, * in next tr make dc, ch 2 and dc; 2 dc in next tr, ch 4, sc in next 5 tr, ch 4, 2 dc in next tr. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, sl st in 3rd st of ch-3 first made. 4th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * in next sp make dc, ch 2 and dc; dc in next 3 dc, (ch 4, sc in next sc) 5 times; ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around, joining as before. 5th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * ch 2, skip next dc, in next sp make 4 dc with ch-2 between; ch 2, skip next dc, dc in next 3 dc, (ch 4, skip next sc, sc in next loop) 4 times; ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 6th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; ch 2, dc in same sp; (ch 2, dc in next sp) twice; ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, (ch 4, skip next sc, sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 7th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; ch 2, 4 dc in next sp; (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, (ch 4, skip next sc, sc in next loop) twice; ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 8th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; ch 2, 4 dc in next sp, ch 3, 4 dc in next sp, (ch 2, dc in next sp) 3 times; ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, ch 4, skip next sc, sc in next loop, ch 4, dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Join. 9th rnd: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, * (ch 2, dc in next sp) 4 times; ch 2, in next sp make (cluster, ch 2) 3 times and cluster; (ch 2, dc in next sp) 4 times; ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, skip the next ch-4, the sc and the following ch-4, make dc in next 3 dc. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd: Sl st in next 2 dc, in following 2 ch and in next dc, ch 3, * 2 dc in next sp, dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next sp, dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in tip of next cluster, ch 2, skip next sp and cluster, in next sp make (tr, ch 2) 4 times and tr, ch 2, skip next cluster and sp, dc in tip of next cluster, (ch 2, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next sp, dc in next dc) twice; ch 4, skip next sp, holding back on hook the last loop of each dc, make dc in next 6 dc, thread over and draw through all loops on hook, ch 4, skip next sp, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
SECOND MOTIF … Work first 9 rnds as for First Motif. 10th rnd: Work as for 10th rnd of First Motif to the 3rd tr inclusive of first corner, now ch 1, sc in corresponding sp on First Motif, ch 1, tr in same corner sp on Second Motif, ch 2, tr in same sp, ch 1, sc in corresponding sp on First Motif, ch 1, skip next cluster and sp on Second Motif, dc in tip of next cluster, (ch 1, sc in corresponding sp on First Motif, ch 1, dc in next dc on Second Motif, 2 dc in next sp, dc in next dc) twice; ch 2, sc in corresponding sp on First Motif, ch 2, holding back on hook the last loop of each dc, make dc in next 6 dc on Second Motif, thread over and draw through all loops on hook. This completes half of joining. Join other half of this side to correspond and complete remainder of rnd as for First Motif (no more joinings).
Make 2 rows of 2 motifs, joining adjacent sides as Second Motif was joined to First Motif (corner tr's are not joined).
EDGING ... 1st rnd: Attach thread to center tr at one corner, ch 8 (to count as dc and ch 5 ), dc in same place as thread was attached, * (ch 2, dc in next tr) twice; (ch 2, dc in next dc) twice (4 sps made over 4 sps); ch 2, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc (sp made over bl), sp over sp, sp over bl, ch 2, dc in next sp, ch 2, dc in tip of cluster, ch 2, dc in next sp, ch 2, dc in next dc, (sp over bl, sp over sp) twice; sp over next 3 sps, ch 2, dc in center tr at corner of next motif. Repeat from * around, making dc, ch 5 and dc at each corner. Join with sl st to 3rd st of ch-8 first made. 2nd to 5th rnds incl: Sl st to center st of first sp, ch 8, dc in same place as last sl st and work ch-2 sps around, making dc, ch 5 and dc in center st of each corner sp. Join.
OUTER RUFFLE ... 1st rnd: Sc closely around. Join. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. Join. 3rd to 10th rnds incl: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 11th rnd: Sl st to center of next loop, * ch 7, sc in 4th ch from hook (picot made), ch 3, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
INNER RUFFLE … Attach thread to corner sp of 1st rnd of Edging and make sc closely along this rnd. Join. Complete Ruffle as for Outer Ruffle. Starch lightly and press.
Shooting Star Doily Pattern
Sundial Doily Pattern
Cornfield Doily Pattern
Whirlwind Doily Pattern
Kingfisher's Nest Doily Pattern
Palm Fronds Doily Pattern
Cloverleaf Doily Pattern
Thistledown Doily Pattern
Flower Patch Doily Pattern
Ruffle Cascade Doily Pattern
Pineapple Trellis Doily Pattern
Sunburst Doily Pattern
Flowering Pine Doily Pattern