Materials: This spread is lovely in two tones of any color, and as shown on the front of the book, Apricot and Peach Star Crochet Cord were used.
Girls' Fashions
Book No. 102
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1937
There is nothing smarter or more practical than hand knitted garments for growing girls.
Materials: This design in the woven coverlet idea is very effective when made of medium blue, or any color, combined with white, Star Crochet Cord.
Materials: Either De Luxe, Gem, or Star Crochet Cotton is applicable for this effective spread, and with the thread chosen, use a No. 5 steel crochet hook.
Materials: As shown, this was made of green and white Star Crochet Cord, but any color and white may be used, depending on the color scheme of the room.
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (6 balls) or J. & P. Coats (5 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 20, White or Ecru.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 7.
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (3 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 20, White or Ecru.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 9.
Nothing is daintier and more feminine than fine handmade lace edging your lingerie.
Nothing is daintier and more feminine than fine handmade lace edging your lingerie.
Nothing is daintier and more feminine than fine handmade lace edging your lingerie.