MATERIALS REQUIRED.— 2 balls Royal Society Crochet Cotton, size 5, any color, for principal color, and 1 ball Royal Society Crochet Cotton, size 5, any color, for trimming.
Crochet hook No. 7.
A—Indicates principal color.
B—Indicates trimming color.
In making slippers always catch hook into the whole chain. Begin with B—Ch. 8, skip 1, 7 s. c. one into each. Ch. 1, 7 s. c. around other side of first ch. Turn. Ch. 1, 7 s. c. one into each, 3 s. c. into the center, 7 s. c. into the other side. Turn. Ch. 1, 8 s. c., 3 s. c. into center, 8 s. c. into the other side. Turn. Ch. 1, 9 s. c., 3 s. c. into center, 9 s. c. into the other side. Turn. Ch. 1, 1 s. c. into each ch. all around. Turn.
Ch. 1, 10 s. c. one into each 3 s. c. into center, 10 s. c. into the other side. Turn. Ch. 1, 1 s. c. into each ch. all around. Turn.
Continue repeating the last two rows until 19 rows of B— and 31 rows of A— are made. This forms the front of the slipper. Continue with 22 s. c. one into each of previous row. Knot B— cotton into it and make 19 chs. of B—. Turn.
Skip 1, 18 s. c. of B—into the ch., 22 s. c. of A—, carrying B— along inside. Turn, 22 s. c. of A— carry B— along inside. 18 s. c. of B—. Turn, and continue until 82 rows are made. The B— color forms the turnover of the slipper. Then make an extra row of 22 s. c. of A—, and crochet it onto the front of slipper.
Onto the front of slipper where the turnover starts make 1 s. c. of A— one into each up to center, 3 s. c. into center and 1 s. c. into each on other side, 1 sl. st. into first s. c. of B—. Turn.
One s. c. into each all across, 1 sl. st. into first s. c. of B—. Turn. 1 s. c. into each all across, and connect again with sl. st. into the first s. c. of B—. Repeat this 6 times. When connecting into B— at side always have 3 rows into one stitch.
The center of the White toe and fronts of turnover have a raised pink rose and green leaves, worked in Celesta. To make raised rose start with three loops of darkest shade of Pink, and 2 stitches across loops to hold them in place. Then make 2 rows of big loose back stitch of same color, 2 rows of medium color and 2 rows of the lightest shade in the same way. Then work green leaves around rose with 4 or 5 stitches in each leaf, as shown in cut. Use 1311-1312-1314 Pink Celesta and 1332 Green Celesta. 1 skein of each.
Safety Purse Pattern
Baby's Hot Water Bottle Pattern
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Corset Bag Pattern
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Crocheted Bag Pattern
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Ladies' Crochet Slippers Pattern
Table Mat #1019 Pattern
Table Mat #1020 Pattern
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Lace B Pattern
Crochet Border Pattern