MATERIALS REQUIRED. — 1 ball Royal Society Crochet Cotton, size 5, any color. Brass Ring, 1 inch in diameter. Crochet hook, No. 7.
Ch. 73. Connect with sl. st. into second ch. Ch. 4, skip 1, 1 d. c. ch. 1, skip 1, 1 d. c. continue until 35 d. c. are made. Connect with sl. st. into third ch. of ch. 4, ch. 4, 1 d. c. into spoke, ch. 1 d. c. into next spoke. Continue all around and repeat until 15 rows are made.
Ch. 4, 1 d. c. into spoke, ch. 1, 1 d. c. into next spoke, continued until 17 d. c. are made. Turn.
Ch. 4, 1 d. c. into spoke, ch. 1, 1 d. c. into next spoke, continue row. Turn, and make 6 more rows in same way. These last 6 rows form the flap of bag.
Picot edge for flap and end of bag.
1 s. c. into first hole, ch. 4, catch back into first ch. to form picot. 1 s. c. into same, (*) 2 s. c. into the next hole, ch. 4, form picot, 2 s. c. into next hole, 1 s. c. into the following hole, ch. 4, form picot, 1 s. c. into same. Repeat from (*) all around flap. Make same picot edge across end through both sides.
Cut 7 threads 6 inches long, pull them through each picot, double and knot.
2 s. c. into brass ring. Ch. 25, catch through the first hole of the sixth row of flap and first hole of first row of bag. Pull loop back through the same hole of flap, ch. 25, 2 s. c. into ring, and repeat across bag, skipping every other hole. Cover remaining part of ring with s. c.
Safety Purse Pattern
Baby's Hot Water Bottle Pattern
Baby's High Bootees Pattern
Baby's Feeding Bottle Pattern
Corset Bag Pattern
Pin Cushion Pattern
Crocheted Bag Pattern
Arabian Crochet Bag Pattern
Ladies' Crochet Slippers Pattern
Table Mat #1019 Pattern
Table Mat #1020 Pattern
Center Edging #6012 Pattern
Center Edging #6013 Pattern
Towel Edging & Insertion #6960 Pattern
Towel Edging & Insertion #6966 Pattern
Scarf #6010 and Pillow #5752 Patterns
Scarf #6007 and Pillow #5753 Patterns
Scarf #6006 and Pillow #5754 Patterns
Insertion and Lace C Pattern
Star Motif Pattern
Lace B Pattern
Crochet Border Pattern