Henrietta Chicken and her Chicks Stuffed Animal Pattern #PC-1500

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MATERIALS: J. & P. COATS KNIT-CRO-SHEEN, 3 balls of Cream, 2 balls of Dark Yellow and 1 ball each of Salmon Pink and Beige.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 4.
8 black beads for eyes.
Cotton batting.

GAUGE: 6 sc make 1 inch; 6 rows or rnds make 1 inch.
Use a double thread throughout entire set.

BASKET ... With Dark Yellow, ch 19. 1st rnd: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, 3 sc in last ch. Now work along other side of chain, making sc in each sc across, 3 sc in last ch. 2nd rnd: * Sc in each sc across to 3 sc-group, 2 sc in next 3 sc (3 sc increased). Repeat from * once more. 3rd rnd: * Sc in each sc across to 6 sc at curved end, (2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) 3 times. Repeat from * once more. 4th rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing both curved ends to keep work flat. Repeat 4th rnd until piece measures 3x6 inches.
Hereafter, pick up only the back loop of each sc.

SIDE ... 1st rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat last rnd until Side measures 1½ inches. On next rnd inc 6 sc evenly apart. Work 1 inch straight. After last rnd is completed, sl st in next 2 sc, break off. Stuff Basket.

HENRIETTA-BODY (Make 2) ... Starting at lower edge, with Cream ch 31. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. (Mark this end for front; opposite end is tail end.) 2nd row: Sc in each sc across, 2 sc in last sc (tail end). Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: 2 sc in 1st sc (tail end), sc in each sc across, 2 sc in last sc (front end). Ch 1, turn. Now inc 1 sc at front end every 3rd row 4 times in all. At the Same Time shape tail end as follows: Inc 1 sc each row 3 times in all, then 1 sc every other row 3 more times; dec 1 sc on next 2 rows - to dec 1 sc, work off 2 sc as 1 sc - inc 1 sc on following row. Work 3 rows straight.

TAIL ... 1st row: SI st in next 3 sc, sc in next 4 sc. Ch 1, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: Sc in next 4 sc. Ch 1, turn. 4th row: Work off 2 sc as 1 sc twice. Ch 1, turn. Break off after the 4th row, turn. Attach thread to next sc at base of Tail and make sc in same place where thread was attached, sc in next 18 sc. Work over these 19 sc only for 4 rows, decreasing 1 sc at both ends of each row. Break off. Attach thread to next sc at base of piece just worked, work over remaining sc until piece meas­ures 5 inches from starting ch. On next row work off 2 sc as 1 sc until 8 sc remain. Work 2 rows straight. Dec 1 sc at both ends of each row until all sc are worked off. Break off.

GUSSET ... With Cream ch 2. 1st row: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Ch 1, turn. Inc 1 sc at both ends of next 2 rows (7 sc). Work straight until Gusset measures 7½ inches. Dec 1 sc at both ends of each row until 1 sc remains. Break off. Place Gusset on under side be­tween Body pieces, sew in place. Sew up Body, leaving an opening. Stuff, sew up opening.

COMB (Make 2) ... With Salmon Pink, ch 3. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc. Ch 1, turn. 4th and 5th rows: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. 6th row: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in each sc across, 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. 7th row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 4, turn. 8th row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each St across, decreasing the last sc. Ch 1, turn. 9th row: Sc in each sc across, 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. 10th row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. On next row, work across 4 sc only, ch 1, turn. Work off 2 sc as 1 sc until 1 sc remains. Break off. At­tach thread to base of piece just worked, make sc in re­maining sc. Dec 1 sc at both ends of each row until all sc are worked off. Break off. Sew pieces together; sew to Head.

WATTLE (Make 2) ... With Salmon Pink, ch 4. 1st rnd: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch, 3 sc in last ch. Work along other side of chain making sc in each ch, 3 sc in last ch (9 sc). 2nd rnd: Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in last sc. Break off. Sew pieces together, sew to Head.

BILL ... With Dark Yellow, ch 3. Join. 1st rnd: Sc in each ch around. 2nd rnd: Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc. 3rd, 4th and 5th rnds: Sc in each sc around. Break off. Stuff and sew in place. Sew on beads for eyes. With Yellow, outline eyes. With Beige, embroider spots on Body in satin stitch.


BODY (Make 2 pieces for each Chick) ... With Dark Yellow, ch 3. Join. 1st rnd: 6 sc in ring. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. 4th rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing if necessary to keep work flat. Repeat 4th rnd until piece measures 1¾ inches in diameter. Break off.

HEAD (Make 2 pieces for each Chick) ... With Dark Yellow, work as for Body until piece measures 1 inch in diameter. Break off. Sew Head to Body.

GUSSET (1 piece for each Chick) ... With Dark Yel­low, ch 5. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 2nd row until piece reaches around Body and Head. Break off. Sew Gusset between 2 Body pieces, leaving an opening. Stuff; sew up opening. Sew on beads for eyes. With a scrap of Red embroider Bill in satin stitch.

Other great patterns from Victory Barnyard, Book No. 204.

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